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Published January 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Middleville, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**As of January 25, 2023, the award amount is $22,616.90. All Bid responses to this RFP must be in duplicate in a sealed opaque envelope labeled as follows: Structured Cabling - FY2023 USF Bid and December 15, 2022. The bidder must also include an electronic copy of all bid materials on a flash drive as well as the paper copies. The Bidder shall submit a five percent (5%) Bid Bond, of the total base Bid price, made payable to Thornapple Kellogg Schools, with the sealed Bid. Any Bids received without a Bid Bond will be rejected by the District. Direct any and all questions regarding this RFP by email to: John Dombrowski, at: jdombrowski@tkschools.org. All Bidders must complete and submit all major addendum questions by November 22, 2022. All Bidders must complete and submit the Intent to Bid Form, Appendix A, no later than November 22, 2022. The Bidder shall be responsible for the timely delivery of the Intent to Bid Form. The Bidder shall make no additional stipulations on the Intent to Bid Form or qualify their Bid in any other manner. The District or its representatives shall not be held responsible for expenses incurred in the preparation or subsequent presentation of the Bid response. 2.4.2 This RFP for Structured Cabling is not an offer to enter into a contract, but rather a solicitation for Bids. The Bidder shall supply, upon request, samples and/or brochures of the proposed materials and equipment with the Bid. The District shall provide, upon request and at the Bidders' expense, blueprints and/or drawings associated with this project. The District reserves the right to reject Bids submitted without a five percent (5%) Bid Bond, signed Bid Signature Page, Bill of Materials, Familial Disclosure Affidavit, Iran Linked Business Affidavit, and list of four (4) references.




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3885 Bender Rd, Middleville, MI

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