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Published November 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Columbus, Ohio. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

This project has combined several projects into a singular project title that will facilitate various improvements and upgrades across the OSU Mansfield campus to improve outdated and deteriorating systems currently in place. Included will be elevator modernization, various roofing replacements, multiuse path improvements and HVAC control replacement and modernization. The Mansfield Eisenhower Memorial Center, built in 1968, will replace its original 4-floor Otis Traction elevator, including associated equipment. This elevator serves as a dual-purpose passenger and freight service elevator with a capacity of 2500 pounds. This component of the project will need to occur over the summer semester. The next component of the project will be selective upgrades and segmented replacements to membrane roofs, flashing, and rooftop masonry that will occur on Ovalwood Hall, Conrad Hall, Riedl Hall, and Campus Recreation Center. This is to include selective membrane replacement and patching, seam repairs, caulking replacement, flashing corrections/modifications, masonry restoration and tuckpointing, and replacement of insulation if it is found to be damaged. Submit all questions regarding this RFQ in writing to Andrew Nardella at Nardella.7@osu.edu with the project number included in the subject line (no phone calls please). The project and construction budget as listed in this RFQ is estimated. This request is for Architect/Engineer (A/E) to provide design and project management to establish the schematic design concept and begin design development. The university may amend the A/E contract upon approval for construction documents, bidding, construction contract administration and post-construction services. The selected A/E will be required to sign the standard agreement. No modifications to the requirements in the agreement will be accepted. During the construction period, provide not less than 6 hours (excluding travel time) on-site construction administration services each week, including (1) attendance at progress meetings, (2) a written field report of each site visit, (3) on-site representation comprised of the A/E and its consultant staff involved in the primary design of the project, all having relevant and appropriate types of construction administration experience. The project team (Owner / A/E / Contractor) will be required to utilize e-Builder, the Universitys Project Management System, for all compatible services required by the University. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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RFQ Design - Mansfield Various Campus Upgrades

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