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Published November 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Los Angeles, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering (BOE), Geotechnical Engineering Division (GED) is requesting a Task Order Proposal for the Via Marisol Reconstruction Project. The scope of work includes 1) geotechnical observation and testing services during construction, and 2) preparation of a compaction (i.e. certification) report. Any subconsultants that have been added to the contract and not originally a part of the Schedule A, must be registered with RAMP. This TOS is only applicable to the following: 1) Fugro USA Land, Inc. 2) Leighton Consulting, Inc., 3) WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. from the Pre-Qualified On-Call Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Services Consultants List. Top Three Consultants on the Pre-Qualified On-Call (PQOC) Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Services List The City is soliciting a response from the top three consultants on the PQOC Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Services List. Refer to the following Task Order Solicitation (TOS) for details of the required services. Although it is our intention to move forward, the City always retains the right to award or to not award any part or all of the Task Order based solely on its convenience and shall not be responsible for any solicitation response costs. Thank you for your interest. We look forward to receiving your response to this TOS. The Bureau of Engineering (BOE), Geotechnical Engineering Division (GED) is requesting a Task Order (TO) Proposal for the Via Marisol Street Reconstruction Project (Project). The Project site, as shown on Figure 1 - Vicinity Map, is located on the southeast side of the I-110 Highway near Hermon / Arroyo Seco Park. The Project consists of reconstructing the entire width of Via Marisol between the private property addresses 5517 and 5575. The total distance is approximately 675 feet. The approximate work area is presented on Figure 2 - Site Location Map. The reconstruction will include over-excavation to a depth of approximately 3 1/2 feet below the existing street elevation and backfill with geogrid-reinforced compacted fill. The reconstruction also includes new asphalt concrete, curb and gutter, and sidewalk on both sides of the street. The GED is the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the Project. The GED requires an experienced team to work under our direct supervision on an asneeded basis. The Consultant shall provide geotechnical observation and testing services during construction. The GED will provide a minimum of 24 hours of notice to the Consultant from the time the Field Technician is required to report to the Project site. A Deputy Grading Inspector is not required for this Project. The work will likely demand a relatively quick response time. The Field Technician shall only make site visits when instructed to by the GED. The Consultant shall not be paid for non-consecutive inspection visits that are not authorized by the GED. If the Field Technician is late or otherwise cannot conduct inspections as scheduled, the GED Project Manager shall be informed immediately. The Consultant shall be responsible for completing the following tasks: 2.1 Observation and Testing Review plans and geotechnical reports. Confirm site preparation is performed in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations. Collect samples of soils for laboratory testing as directed by the GED. For budgeting purposes, assume the following tests will be required: 2 laboratory compaction tests (ASTM D1557) 2 sieve analysis tests (ASTM D6913) Confirm excavations extend to the minimum recommended depth(s). Observe the exposed subgrade at the bottom of all excavations and confirm they are suitable for backfill. Observe the installation/placement of geogrid. At this time, we anticipate three separate layers of geogrid will be placed beneath the street. Observe and test the fill placement and relative compaction. The Consultant must have the capability to test the relative compaction of fill using both a nuclear gauge and a sand cone. Compaction testing shall be performed in accordance with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) requirements. Refer to LADBS Bulletin P/BC 2020-028. Confirm fill materials are free of all debris, vegetation, roots, and other deleterious materials. Observe pipe bedding and trench backfill operations as part of construction activities. Submit daily reports to the GED before the end of each working day via email. Reports shall include results of compaction tests, description of construction activities and summaries of any verbal or written communication between the inspector and any City or contractor personnel present at the site. The City's PQOC Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Services Contract (Article 17) require the use of Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business Enterprise (WBE), Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Emerging Business Enterprise (EBE), Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) and Other Business Enterprise (OBE) firms. For this Contract, the City has set anticipated subconsultant participation levels of 18% MBE, 4% WBE, 25% SBE, 8% EBE, and 3% DVBE. Consultants are encouraged, to the extent possible, to maintain these percentages throughout the invoicing for each of the task orders issued under the Contract. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
Roads / Highways
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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RFP - Via Marisol Street Reconstruction Project - Construction Phase
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