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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Manchester, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
For Landscaping and Snow Removal To furnish landscaping and snow removal services to all developments and scattered sites managed by the Manchester Housing Authority. Landscaping services. Landscaping/Snow Removal service is to be performed as noted on the attached list of communities and locations. Landscaping services required, lawn mowing, weed whacking, and spring and fall cleanup. Snow removal services required, snow plowing driveways, parking lots, snow blowing sidewalks, and shoveling front and rear entry ways. The quoter is to provide all equipment, material and labor necessary to carry out this contract. Bidder must be licensed to perform Landscaping/Snow Removal Services in the State of Connecticut. All such permits or certifications are to be included with proposal. Work is to be performed as needed for snow removal. Landscaping services to be scheduled out per month. Payment under this contract will be based on the number of site visits for snow removal each month and scheduled landscaping services. The Contractor is to submit a separate bill for each project for services performed during the month. All other services required to be rendered under the terms of this contract are to be performed at no additional cost to the Authority. By submission of a proposal, the offeror agrees, should its proposal be accepted, to enter into a contract with the MHA and complete all work specified or indicated in the contract documents for the contract price and within the contract time indicated in the attached RFP. The offeror further accepts all of the terms and conditions of the RFP. Proposals should be prepared in accordance with the attached instructions, and will be evaluated by the MHA and contract award will be made to what is considered the Best Value to MHA. The bidder has the option to bid on both requested services or just the landscaping or snow removal contract. The MHA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities. All documents must be completely filled in when submitted. Also, this entire procurement procedure and contract award is subject to any and all applicable Federal/State laws and/or regulations. The MHA reserves the right to suspend this procurement action if it is found not in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations or in the event of any impropriety, or if it is deemed by the MHA to be in its best interests Contact with members of the MHA Board of Commissioners, or MHA officers and employees other than the contact person shown above, by a prospective Proposer, after publication of the RFP and prior to the execution of a contract with the successful proposer(s) could result in disqualification of your proposal. In fairness to all prospective proposer(s) during the RFP process, if MHA meets in person with anyone representing a potential provider of these services to discuss this RFP other than at the pre-submittal meeting, an addendum will be issued to address all questions so as to insure no Proposer has a competitive advantage over another. This does not exclude meetings required to conduct business not related to the RFP, or possible personal presentations after written qualifications have been received and evaluated. All questions must be put in writing to the RFP/IFB Contact named below no later than eight (8) calendar days before the due date for the submission of responses. The intent of this requirement is to assure that all Respondents are in receipt of the same information and to allow MHA sufficient time to post questions and answers in an Addendum to this RFP. The Authority reserves the right to use its discretion in issuing Addenda for questions and answers; only those questions and answers which might materially affect a vendors response will result in an Addendum. Please direct all questions to the MHA Modernization Coordinator Nile Scala at Anticipated Board Approval: December 15, 2022 MHA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality in the RFP process, or to terminate the RFP process at any time, if deemed by MHA to be in its best interests. MHA reserves the right not to award a contract pursuant to this RFP. MHA reserves the right to terminate a contract awarded pursuant to this RFP, at anytime for its convenience upon 10 days written notice to the successful proposer(s). MHA reserves the right to determine the days, hours and locations that the successful proposer(s) shall provide the services called for in this RFP. MHA reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and not permit withdrawal for a period of 60 days subsequent to the deadline for receiving proposals without the written consent from MHA. MHA reserves the right to negotiate the fees proposed by the Proposer entity. If such negotiations are not, in the opinion of MHA successfully concluded within a reasonable timeframe as determined by MHA, MHA shall retain the right to end such negotiations. MHA reserves the right to reject and not consider any proposal that does not meet the requirements of this REP, including but not necessarily limited to incomplete proposals and/or proposals offering alternate or non-requested services. MHA shall have no obligation to compensate any Proposer for any costs incurred in responding to this RFP. MHA shall reserve the right to at any time during the RFP or contract process to prohibit any further participation by a Proposer or reject any proposal submitted that does not conform to any of the requirements detailed herein. Each prospective Proposer further agrees that he/she will inform MHA in writing within five (5) days of the discovery of any item that is issued thereafter by MHA that he/she feels needs to be addressed. Failure to abide by this timeframe shall relieve MHA, but not the prospective proposer, of any responsibility, pertaining to such issue. MHA reserves the right to, prior to award, revise, change, alter or amend any of the instructions, terms, conditions, and/or specifications identified within the RFP documents issued, within any attachment or drawing, or within any addenda issued. All addenda will be provided in writing by MHA. Such changes that are issued before the proposal submission deadline shall be binding upon all prospective Proposers. In the case of rejection of all proposals, MHA reserves the right to advertise for new proposals or to proceed to do the work otherwise, if in the judgment of MHA, the best interest of MHA will be promoted. MHA reserves the right, without any liability, to cancel the award of any proposal(s) at any time before the execution of the contract documents by all parties. MHA reserves the right to reduce or increase estimated or actual quantities in whatever amount necessary without prejudice or liability to MHA, if: 1 Funding is not available, 2. Legal restrictions are placed upon the expenditure of monies for this category of service or supplies; or, 3. MHAs requirements in good faith change after award of the contract. MHA reserves the right to make an award to more than one Proposer based on ratings or to make an award without negotiations or best and final offer (BAFO). MHA reserves the right to require additional information from all Proposers to determine level of responsibility. Such information shall be submitted in the form required by MHA within two (2) days of written request. MHA reserves the right to require the Contractor to keep accurate timesheets for all employees assigned to perform any project, task, or assignment resulting from this RFP and any resulting contract. MHA reserves the right to contact any individuals, entities, or organizations that have had a business relationship with the Proposer regardless of their inclusion in the reference section of the proposal submittal. In the event any resulting contract is prematurely terminated due to nonperformance and/or withdrawal by the Contractor, MHA reserves the right to seek monetary restitution (to include but not limited to withholding of monies owed) from the Contractor to cover costs for interim services and/or cover the difference of a higher cost (difference between terminated Contractors rate and new companys rate) beginning the date of Contractors termination through the contract expiration date.
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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24 Bluefield Dr, Manchester, CT
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