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Renovation of a municipal facility in Litchfield, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Town of Litchfield is accepting bids for two HVAC split systems to be installed in two different locations. The intent of these specifications is to obtain a Contractor to install two separate HVAC split systems: Town Hall, 74 West Street, Litchfield, CT and the Town Hall Annex, 80 Doyle Road, Bantam, CT. The Contractor shall have adequate licenses, equipment, and materials for this project to insure completion within Sixty (60) business days from the agreed upon starting date. Bid Return Envelope: Bidders shall submit bids in an envelope clearly marked, with the bid title and opening date to prevent a sealed bid from being opened prior to the opening date. Any bid not so marked and opened by the Town shall be rejected. The following forms must be submitted: A. Bid Schedule B. Hold Harmless Agreement and Supplemental Agreement C. Non-Collusion D. Non-Discrimina Any questions pertaining to the scope of the work or content or procedure for submitting proposals should be directed to Raz Alexe, Director of Public Works by e-mail to be received no later than December 13, 2022 close of business. Any questions received after that date will not be answered. Contact information is as follows: Raz Alexe, Director of Public Works It is intended this Contract shall be awarded to the Bidder that best meets the needs of the Town of Litchfield with respect to qualifications, contractor's submitted start date and cost. Qualifications shall include the ability of the Contractor to complete all work within the stated time frame. The Town shall give notice of Acceptance of a bid to the successful bidder by mail to the Bidder's address stated in the bid. Individuals are invited to attend the Bid Opening, with official bid results pending notification of the successful bidder. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason the Town deems advisable, and to award contract or contracts to any Contractors bidding on the work, regardless of the amount of bid. A bid bond or certified check is not required for this bid. A Performance Bond or Certified Check is required for this bid prior to the Notice to Proceed. The Town reserves the right to change the scope of the project after the bid is awarded, without penalty to the Town. All changes in scope will be issued in writing by the Director of Public Works or his designee. Should brand names appear in this bid, before bidding on any item considered equal to or better than a named item, the Bidder must get written approval from the Director of Public Works. Price, Discounts, and Payment Prices bid shall not include any taxes, Local, State, or Federal, as the Town is not liable. In addition to the price bid, each Bidder may quote binding discounts, which will be considered when making the award. Delays Contract time delays for completion of work shall be authorized in writing by the Director of Public Works. Liquidated Damages The amount of five hundred dollars ($500) is agreed upon as liquidated damages and shall be paid for every day the Contractor exceeds the allowable contract time for completion, sixty (60) business days. This sum shall be paid by the Contractor to the Town or withheld from final payment to the Contractor. The contract time period must start with the Notice to Proceed from the Town of Litchfield. Assignment of Contract Contractor shall not sublet, sell, transfer, assign, or dispose of contract or any portion thereon or of right, title, or interest therein of obligations thereunder, without written consent of the Town. Acceptance of Subcontractor Submission of name of Subcontractor in proposal shall be deemed to constitute an acceptance by Contractor, if awarded contract of bid, of such Subcontractor. Any alteration therein, after award of contract, shall be subject to the approval of the Town. Basis of Payment Payment for this work shall be at the lump sum bid for work completed and accepted, except as noted herein and shall include all equipment, materials, labor, and tools incidental to the completion of this work. Written notice of claims for extra work shall be given by Contractor within ten (10) days after receipt of written instruction from the Town as approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee, to proceed with extra work and also before any work is commenced, except in emergency endangering life or property. No claim shall be valid unless so made. In all cases, Contractor's itemized sheet showing all labor and material must be submitted to the Director of Public Works. Town order for extra work shall specify any extension of contract time and one of the following methods of payment: A. Unit Prices or combination of unit prices. B. A lump sum based on Contractor's estimate accepted by owner and approved by the Director of Public Works. C. Actual costs plus ten percent (10%) for overhead and profit. Contractor must submit a payment request for payment once each month for work done and materials delivered and installed on the site. East request for payment must be computed from work completed, less ten percent (10%) to be retained until expiration of the guarantee period, which is one (1) year from written acceptance of work. The contractor will file with the Town of Litchfield, the following evidence of insurance. Certificates must be on file with the Town before acceptance of Bid or work commences. The Town shall give notice of Acceptance of a bid to the successful bidder by mail to the Bidder's address stated in the bid. Individuals are invited to attend the Bid Opening, with official bid results pending notification of the successful bidder. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason the Town deems advisable, and to award contract or contracts to any Contractors bidding on the work, regardless of the amount of bid. A bid bond or certified check is not required for this bid. A Performance Bond or Certified Check is required for this bid prior to the Notice to Proceed. The Town reserves the right to change the scope of the project after the bid is awarded, without penalty to the Town. All changes in scope will be issued in writing by the Director of Public Works or his designee. Should brand names appear in this bid, before bidding on any item considered equal to or better than a named item, the Bidder must get written approval from the Director of Public Works. Price, Discounts, and Payment Prices bid shall not include any taxes, Local, State, or Federal, as the Town is not liable. In addition to the price bid, each Bidder may quote binding discounts, which will be considered when making the award. Delays Contract time delays for completion of work shall be authorized in writing by the Director of Public Works. Liquidated Damages The amount of five hundred dollars ($500) is agreed upon as liquidated damages and shall be paid for every day the Contractor exceeds the allowable contract time for completion, sixty (60) business days. This sum shall be paid by the Contractor to the Town or withheld from final payment to the Contractor. The contract time period must start with the Notice to Proceed from the Town of Litchfield. Assignment of Contract Contractor shall not sublet, sell, transfer, assign, or dispose of contract or any portion thereon or of right, title, or interest therein of obligations thereunder, without written consent of the Town. Acceptance of Subcontractor Submission of name of Subcontractor in proposal shall be deemed to constitute an acceptance by Contractor, if awarded contract of bid, of such Subcontractor. Any alteration therein, after award of contract, shall be subject to the approval of the Town. Basis of Payment Payment for this work shall be at the lump sum bid for work completed and accepted, except as noted herein and shall include all equipment, materials, labor, and tools incidental to the completion of this work. Written notice of claims for extra work shall be given by Contractor within ten (10) days after receipt of written instruction from the Town as approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee, to proceed with extra work and also before any work is commenced, except in emergency endangering life or property. No claim shall be valid unless so made. In all cases, Contractor's itemized sheet showing all labor and material must be submitted to the Director of Public Works. Town order for extra work shall specify any extension of contract time and one of the following methods of payment: A. Unit Prices or combination of unit prices. B. A lump sum based on Contractor's estimate accepted by owner and approved by the Director of Public Works. C. Actual costs plus ten percent (10%) for overhead and profit. Contractor must submit a payment request for payment once each month for work done and materials delivered and installed on the site. East request for payment must be computed from work completed, less ten percent (10%) to be retained until expiration of the guarantee period, which is one (1) year from written acceptance of work. The contractor will file with the Town of Litchfield, the following evidence of insurance. Certificates must be on file with the Town before acceptance of Bid or work commences.




Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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December 19, 2022

December 22, 2022


Multiple Locations, Litchfield, CT

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