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Published December 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Boise, Idaho. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

On June 11, 2021, Governor Brad Little issued Executive Order No. 2021-10 to develop a report on state deferred maintenance liabilities in collaboration with the Permanent Building Fund Advisory Committee (PBFAC). In the initial report, 28 agencies and institutions with approximately 27 million square feet of state-owned building space with a replacement value of over $8 billion, reported a deferred maintenance liability of $900 million. The Division of Public Works was appropriated $244 million to start addressing the state's deferred maintenance backlog. This funding is distributed across multiple agencies and institutions, statewide, to correct critical maintenance deficiencies involving mechanical, electrical, plumbing, exterior envelope, interior systems and finishes, and site work. DPW plans to issue separate design-build RFQs for the Deferred Maintenance Program throughout the state. In addition to this RFQ, there are two other open RFQs for University of Idaho and Idaho State University. Similar RFQs will be released in the future to include the balance of the Deferred Maintenance Program. The work included in this RFQ includes the following projects . The Design-Build team shall develop design only to the degree necessary to provide qualitative and quantitative information to achieve Agency and Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (IDOPL) approval, permit for construction, and to a level with sufficient detail to construct. The Design-Build team shall provide a work breakdown structure, updated estimates, and variance reports throughout the planning and design phase to document project team decisions and value engineering alternatives that maximize project value.Provide information relative to the Design-Build team's size, history, experience, personnel, and resources available. The Design-Build team should have a demonstrated understanding of the local areas, state agencies and state public works statutes. Include design-build experience, higher education campus experience, regional design and construction market experience, deferred maintenance experience relevant to the projects described herein, and other experience Design-Builder deems appropriate. Provide at least 4 relevant projects the Design-Builder has delivered within the past 10 years and explain why selected. Questions that arise as a result of this Request for Qualifications should be addressed via email to: Travis Casch, Owner's Representative Jacobs Project Management, Co. 999 W Main Street Suite 1200 Boise, ID 83702 Travis.Casch@Jacobs.com Responses to questions will be provided via addendum. Questions received after Close of Business on December 14, 2022 will not be considered.




Public - State/Provincial


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