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Published July 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a retail development in Ottawa, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a retail development.

Elevator upgrades as identified from a 2022 elevator audit. Recommended upgrades include the following: Upgrade door operators on elevators 8, 9, 18, and 19 (parking level shuttle elevators). The existing Otis i-Motion door operator has a closed loop system. These door operators are no longer installed on newer equipment and are no longer being manufactured. Upgrading to a newer closed loop type of door operator would reduce the number of call-backs, elevator down time due to repairs, and potential entrapments. Upgrade door operators on elevator 6, 7, 16, and 17 (freight elevators). The existing door operators has an open loop system. New door operators can change the door closing force to compensate for wind pressure and other obstacles. Upgrading to a newer closed loop type of door operator would reduce the number of call-backs, elevator down time due to repairs, and potential entrapments. Paint/rust control on elevator 16. The elevator car top and related equipment has presence of rust which will eventually damage the equipment or impact elevator operation. To prevent further deterioration from happening, the equipment should be sanded and painted so that damage does not occur. All electrical equipment on the car top should also be inspected and any corroded equipment replaced. Car Top Railing Modifications for elevators 6, 7, 16, and 17. According to Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Code Amendment Document (CAD) 261/13r1 additional changes such as higher 5" kickplates are required. Since the car top railings were installed to an earlier code these changes may not have been incorporated into the existing installation. TIMELINE: Preliminary budget estimates are less than $250,000. At this time no tenders have been issued. Project may be followed once approved to bid. Coverage of this report is discontinued at this time.




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