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Published January 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a mixed-use development in Carthage, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.
A Proposal guarantee in the form of a cashier s check, certified check or bid bond, payable to Carthage ISD, in the amount of 5% of the largest possible total for the Proposal amount submitted, must accompany each Proposal. For Proposals submitted electronically, the original Proposal guarantee must be received prior to the Proposal opening. The District intends to award this project to one Construction Manager. Project #1 Objective The project includes renovations to Baker Koonce Intermed- iate, New Construction to the Baseball and Softball Complex at Carthage High School, and Carthage Junior High School Roof replacement. Scope of work includes interior refresh, HVAC upgrades, roofing replacements as well as construction of new concessions / restrooms, a new locker room facility, covered grandstand bleachers, and associated site work. The tentative bid date is the 1st week of April 2023 and completion date will be end of Sep 2024 -approximately 16 months construction duration. The Construction Budget encompasses all construction costs, including all contingencies, construction manager fees, bonding and insurance and general conditions and excludes the fee for architectural services. Architect Corgan Dallas, Tx CRITERIA AND WEIGHTS FOR SELECTION Per Government Code Sections 2269.055 and 2269.253, the District will consider the following selection criteria and corresponding weights when evaluating the proposals: FINANCIAL Financial Strength Ability to bond the project. 10 points EXPERIENCE OF COMPANY What is the respondent s litigation record 3 points Is the respondent experienced in the East Texas construction market 3 points Has the respondent constructed educational projects of similar size and complexity 3 points Does the respondent have prior experience with Carthage ISD and if so, was it positive 3 points EXPERIENCE AS CMAR Does it appear the respondent will work effectively in a team environment with the Owner and Architect during the preconstruction, bidding, and construction phases of the project 3 points What is the quality of the cost estimates provided by the respondent 5 points What is the quality of the schedule and action plan to complete projects on schedule 10 points PERSONNEL Does the team of personnel proposed by the respon- dent appear to be qualified as necessary to meet the needs of this project 15 points COST Price 25 points INTERVIEWS Interview (if applicable) 20 points The District reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any or all proposals submitted in response to this RFP 23001, or any part of any proposal and/or waive technicalities. The District reserves the right to seek clarification and/or request additional information. The District will award a contract, if any, that serves the best interests of the District. The District s waiver of any deviations in any proposal will not constitute a modification of this RFP 23001 and will not preclude the District from asserting all rights against CMAR for failure to fully comply with all terms and conditions of this RFP 23001. Should a proposal contain conflicting terms, the District reserves the right to enforce the term or terms in such proposals that it determines to be in the best interest of the District, and CMAR agrees to be bound by the terms it has proposed that are most favorable to the District. All proposals in response to this RFP 23001 become the property of the District and may be subject to release to any requestor under the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, and Attorney General Opinions issued under that statute. If CMAR believes any portion of its proposal is excepted from release, it should clearly mark such portion as CONFIDENTIAL, and provide written legal authority as to why CMAR believes such information should not be released. The District may re-issue another RFP for the services as described in this RFP or similar services at any time. Per Section 44.043, of the Education Code, (b) notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a school district: 1. May not consider whether a vendor is a member of or has another relationship with any organizations; and 2. Shall ensure that its Proposal specifications do not deny or diminish the right of a person to work because of the person s membership or other relationship status with respect to any organization. For additional information, see the Proposal Instructions in this RFP 23001. Unless a prevailing wage schedule is otherwise attached hereto, the Board of Trustees, for the purpose of complying with Section 2258, Subchapter B of the Texas Government Code for all public contracts, has adopted the prevailing wage rates as determined by the United States Department of Labor in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act as the published rates for the District. NO ISRAEL BOYCOTT VERIFICATION: The 85th Texas Legislature enacted House Bill 89 (codified in chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code). As of September 1, 2017, state law requires written verification by a for-profit company before it enters a contract with a local government (i.e., a school district) that verifies that the company does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. Boycott means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. COMPANIES ENGAGED IN BUSINESS WITH IRAN, SUDAN, OR A FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION: In accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 2252, Subchapter F, Owner is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company that is identified on a list prepared and maintained by the Texas Comptroller or the State Pension Review Board under Texas Government Code Sections 806.051, 807.051, or 2252.153. By execution of a contract with the Owner, CMAR certifies to Owner that it is not a listed company under any of those Texas Government Code provisions. By submitting a proposal, CMAR voluntarily and knowingly acknowledges and agrees that any resulting contract shall be null and void should facts arise leading the Owner to believe that the CMAR was a listed company at the time of this procurement. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Any person or entity, as well as agents of such persons, who contracts or seeks to contract with the Owner for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services are required to file a Conflict-of-Interest Questionnaire with the Owner. A Conflict-of-Interest questionnaire is included in this RFP. The completed form must be returned as part of your proposal submittal. CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES: Effective January 1, 2016, Texas governmental entities must comply with the Disclosure of Interested Parties mandated by Texas HB 1295, as implemented by the Texas Ethics Commission. Briefly stated, all contracts requiring an action or vote by the governing body of the entity or agency before the contract may be signed (regardless of the dollar amount) or has a value of at least $1 million will require the on-line completion of Form 1295 Certificate of Interested Parties, per Texas Government Code 2252.908. Form 1295 is also required for any and all contract amendments, extensions or renewals made after January 1, 2016. Therefore, CMAR will be required to create, electronically file, and present such Form 1295 to the District using the Texas Ethics Commission s online filing application at final execution of any contract with the District.
Public - City
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
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