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Published February 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Casper, Wyoming. Completed plans call for the construction of a transportation facility; for site work for a transportation facility; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Engineers Estimate All Bid Schedules $4,500,000 - $4,800,000 Work generally consists of a new aerial firefighting base of operations for the BLM and includes earthwork, paving, utilities, electrical, a modular operations building, and other site improvements. Casper/Natrona County International Airport board of trustee reserves the right to reject any and or all bids and to waive any informalities if deemed in the best interest of the board. Bid(5%) This project involves the following bid schedules: Schedule 1: New SEAT Base Facility Schedule 2: New SEAT Base (Non-Lease Area) Schedule 3: Existing SEAT Base Cleanup Schedule 4: Operations Building Schedule 5: Reconstruct/Overlay Taxilane Schedule 6: Extra Utility Piping Schedule 7: Concrete Pad Upgrades to Picnic Shelter Schedule 1: New SEAT Base Facility consists of construction of concrete and asphaltic pavement, new trench drains including retardant delivery and retainment system, new storm and sanitary sewer systems, water delivery piping, electrical utilities, a new evaporation pond with lining, installation of a pond aeration system and other items. Approximate quantities include 5 acres of clearing, 8,500 SY asphalt pavement removal, 3,500 CY of excavation, 8,000 CY subbase course, 5,500 CY base course, 3,600 Tons of asphalt mix pavement 1,800 SY of Concrete Loading Pads, 15 Aircraft Tie Downs, 170 LF trench drain with piping, 230 LF of new storm drain with a manhole and inlets, 750 SY of evaporation pond including double lined geomembrane placement, 330 LF of chain link fence with a double swing-gate, 750 LF of new treated water line with various fittings, 675 LF of sanitary sewer line with various fittings and cleanouts, 1000 SF of Temporary and Permanent apron marking, a new picnic shelter and less than an acre of seeding and mulching reclamation. Schedule 2: New SEAT Base Facility (Non-Lease Area) consists of installation of utility installations that tie into the work items of Schedule 1 that occur south of Taxilane B. The utilities include an 8" water main, an 8" sewer main and manhole, telephone, underground power and fiber optic conduits. Schedule 3: Existing SEAT Base Cleanup consists of existing concrete infrastructure demolition, minor excavation and backfill and site cleanup. Schedule 4: Operations building consists of construction of a foundations for a new modular style office building and installation of the modular building Schedule 5: Reconstruct/Overlay Taxilane consists of reconstructing a portion and overlaying a portion of the existing GA Taxilane leading to the new SEAT facility. Approximate quantities include 9,000 SY of asphalt removal, 5,500 CY of excavation, 7,300 SY of subgrade preparation, 2,000 Tons of asphaltic pavement, 400 SF of Temporary and Permanent marking. Schedule 6: Extra Utility Piping consists of installing blank conduit for treated water and sanitary sewer connections to the west of the new SEAT base apron for future development in the infield area. Schedule 7: Concrete Pad Upgrades to Picnic Shelter Consists of constructing a concrete pad under proposed picnic shelter as an upgrade to the proposed 4" of rock (Schedule 1). Schedule 1 - New SEAT Base Facility Place AOA closure barricades in the locations shown on the plans. Construction survey Milling. Excavation and Stockpile Material. Subbase Course. Base Course. Trench Drains. Water Pipe / Line / Valves / Fire Hydrant. Sewer Line and Manhole HMA Paving. PCC Paving. Electrical Conduits. Electrical Improvements. Construct new pond embankment Install new pond liner. Install pond aerator. Install Tie Downs. Construct new security fence. Temporary pavement marking. Cleanup. Schedule 2 - New SEAT Base (Non-Lease Area) Water Pipe / Line / Valves Tap into existing waterline Electrical Conduits. Electrical Improvements Sewer Line / Manhole Schedule 3 - Existing SEAT Base Cleanup Disconnect existing System Demolish existing concrete Minor embankment excavation Schedule 4 - Operations Building Install new modular building foundations Install new modular office building Schedule 5 - Reconstruct/Overlay Taxilane Construction survey. Cold Milling Asphalt Pavement Temporary and Permanent markings Schedule 6 - Extra Utility Piping Blank 8" Treated Water Line w/ connection tie in


Transportation Terminals


Public - County

New Construction, Paving, Site Work





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January 12, 2023

March 13, 2023


8500 Airport Pkwy, Casper, WY

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