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Published December 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

Question Deadline 12/12/2022 All questions must be submitted via email Ed Kroics Email: ekroics@usbankstadium.com The proposal should be responsive to and explain how the Proposer will provide the following project requirements: Significant experience in Building Automation Systems and servicing urban clients (downtown Minneapolis). In-house capacity to provide construction management, coordination and scheduling for the required completion of the Project. U.S. Bank Stadium is an active venue hosting a variety of events during the course of this Projects timeline. Event logistics and event programs take precedence over construction activities. Close coordination with activities that create noise and limit access to spaces will be paramount. Proposer has a duty to coordinate their activities with SMG. Proposers should have significant experience in providing temporary sound systems and projects similar to the Project that is the subject of this RFP. It is the desire of SMG to consider as part of its selection criteria the commitment of the Proposer to exert good faith efforts to comply with the plan of the Authority to ensure equitable opportunities for Minority Owned Business Enterprises (MBE) and Women Owned Business Enterprises (WBE) to participate in the Project. The successful Proposer or Proposers must also demonstrate the ability to exert good faith efforts to comply with workforce goals and targeted zip code hiring goals, and work with organizations to develop effective MBE, WBE and workforce recruitment efforts. Each Proposer should provide a plan describing how they will encourage the participation and utilization of appropriate workforce, MBEs and WBEs in the Proposers performance of their services. MBEs and WBEs that are interested in acting as the Proposers for the Project are encouraged to respond to the RFP. SMG reserves the right and discretion to determine the qualifications and responsibility of the Proposers to perform the work and services that are the subject of the RFP. It is the request and intent of SMG that Proposers responding to the RFP have the following qualifications.


Arenas / Stadiums


Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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401 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, MN

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