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Published January 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

Ceiling Repairs Firm limit - This micro purchase will be awarded as a whole or by line item, whichever is in the best interest of the City, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Seller must quote all items in order to be eligible for award as a whole. Do not deliver or provide services until notified by department. The Free Library of Philadelphia (FLP) requires the services of a contractor to repair plaster ceiling damage at its Chestnut Hill Library located at 8711 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19118. Additionally, the FLP requires a full scan of the library ceiling in Rooms 1 and 2 plus two walls in Room 1 to identify other potential issues. The library needs this work to commence immediately to expedite the opening of the library to the public. Scope of Work item #1 Repair the Ceiling Areas (Approx. 22' to 25' high) in disrepair of Room Number 2 on First Floor o Provide all labor, materials, scaffolding, and equipment o Cover the walls, floors, bookshelves, furniture, and equipment in room o Install wire lath where plaster is missing, and lath is exposed o Install three-coat (scratch coat, brown/second coat, and finish coat) plaster on area mentioned above o Repair all areas where plaster is cracked and in disrepair including the areas around vents, light fixtures, and underneath the beam between the columns o Prime and paint entire ceiling o Remove all debris and clean work areas Scope of Work Item # 2 Perform visual nondestructive inspection of the ceiling areas (Approx. 22' to 25' high) of room number 1 and room number 2 on the first floor (room #1 also requires a scan of two (2) walls identified in the addendum). o Provide all labor, materials, scaffolding, and equipment o Perform visual nondestructive inspection of ceiling with thermal imaging moisture meter o Provide a report including pictures of all areas where moisture in ceiling is observed

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8711 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA

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