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Published January 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Kenmore, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

This project was award to WSB Excavation and Utilities, LLC for a total $724,560. The project consists of the following work: There are currently Five addendums posted. For more information, please contact M.A. Mortenson Co. or Western Washington University. Schedule A: 55th Avenue NE Sewer Replacement. The project will consist of bypass pumping, installing a new manhole and installation of approximately 100 LF of new 12-inch pipe to the existing downstream manhole, connection of two side sewers to the new main, and asphalt restoration. Schedule B: Casa Juanita Sewer Main Repair. This schedule consists of bypass pumping, installation of one new manhole and approximately 100 LF of 8-inch ductile iron sewer main, connection of three side sewers to the new main, and connection to the existing system. The project requires trenching underneath an existing pile-supported structure that is 6-feet wide with 24-inch casing. The casing will be approximately 15-feet long. Due to soil conditions, the proposed manhole and sewer main will be pile supported. The proposed order of work: 1. Install TESC; 2. Set up by pass pumping: 3. Install pipe piles; 4. Install new down stream SMH: 5. install 24-inch Casing under causeway; 6. Install new sewer main and connect side sewers; 7. Restoration. Schedule C: 55th Avenue NE and 60th Avenue NE Side Sewer Repairs. This project includes repair of side sewer services in a neighborhood experiencing root intrusion. The repair will include removal of the roots, installation of a LMK Tee-liner system, and installation of cleanouts. There are nine side sewer, six services will require a new cleanout for District access at the right of way. Schedule D: 124th Avenue Manhole Adjustments. This project includes replacing damaged sewer frame, cover and adjustment rings. Thirteen structures will replace the grade rings, frame and cover. Six structures will require a new manhole section, new cone, adjustment rings, frame and cover in order to bring it up to district standards, the project will include excavation and road restoration. This portion of the work must be completed by March 15, 2023, in order for the City of Kirkland to overlay the road. Approximate locations of the proposed improvements are shown on the project construction plans. The engineer's construction cost estimate is $679,000.00 including sales tax. Each bid must be submitted on the "Proposal" forms provided in Section 5 of the "Specifications, Proposal and Contract Documents" and shall be accompanied by a bi proposal deposit in. the form of a surety bond, postal money order, cashier's check or certified check made payable to King County Treasurer, King County, Washington for a sum of not less than 5 per cent of the total bid. A bid shall not be considered unless accompanied by such bid proposal deposit. A contract, if awarded, will be based upon the lowest responsive and responsible bid or bids as defined in. more detail in the bid documents. Northshore Utility District reserves the right to reject any and. all bids, to delete portions or all of the work, to substitute alternative bid item prices for base bid item prices, to waive any informality in bidding, and to make the award deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Proposals received after the time announced for the opening will not be considered. No bidder may withdraw' its bid after the time announced for the opening or before the award and execution of the contracts) unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) calendar days. Bid open Online Bid Opening: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click. here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 256 522 682 180 Passcode: M5HqdU Click here to join the meeting Click here to join the meeting or call in (audio only) +1 253-328-7749,,869019920# United States, Tacoma Phone Conference ID: 869 019 920#


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Kenmore, WA

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