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Published December 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a parking garage in Royal Oak, Michigan. Completed plans call for the demolition of a parking garage; for the construction of a parking garage; and for site work for a parking garage.

Bidders shall be able to demonstrate the following:Shall be a reputable, recognized organization with at least five (5) years of successful experience on work of this type and scope, of equal or better quality than this project. The contractor shall warranty materials and installation of all components for a period of 24 months from date of acceptance by the owner of job completion.Pre-job conference to be scheduled within five (5) days after award, to be determined by Mark Paulus, Owner's Representative at (248) 880-6791. Contract Award: December 8, 2022 Project Start: June 19, 2023 Substantial Completion: August 18, 2023 Final Completion: September 30, 2023. Survey of the site will be conducted, and documented by the contractor, to determine current site conditions. Survey to be provided to the District prior to the start of construction. Contractor shall be responsible to repair any damage to the site, which occurs during this project.Contractors and their Sub Contractors shall park their work vehicles in the area(s) designated for parking. Contractors and their Sub Contractors shall not park or drive on sidewalks or landscape areas. Failure to repair, District will complete, and Contractor will be responsible for all costs. There will also be a $500 fee assessed for any vehicles that are documented to be parking on sidewalks or landscape areas. Bid Bond, certified check, or money order for an amount not less than five (5%) percent of the amount of the bid, must accompany each bid. The check or bond of each unsuccessful bidder will be returned within ten (10) days after the bid is awarded. Failure of any accepted bidder to enter into a contract to complete the specified work may forfeiture of his bid security. Failure to submit proper bid security shall constitute rejection of bid. Bid Bond can be included with the bid through Buildingconnected.com. Certified check and money order must be received prior to the bid due date and time at 800 Devillen, Royal Oak, MI 48073.Within fourteen (14) days after date of issuance of written notice of selection for the award of a contract, which shall be considered as the notice to proceed, the successful bidder shall enter into a contract with the Owner and shall execute and file with the Owner, the following in the amount 100% equal to full contract sum. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities, and to accept a proposal that, in the District's opinion, is in the District's best interest.


Parking Garage


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work



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December 15, 2022

June 19, 2023


1500 Lexington Blvd, Royal Oak, MI

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