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Demolition, site work, remodeling and addition to a library in Winslow, Indiana. Completed plans call for the addition of a library; for the demolition of a library; for the remodel of a library; and for site work for a library.

For the addition to and remodeling of the pike county library, winslow branch, 105 e. Center street, winslow, indiana 47598 Should the bid be delivered any other way than "hand carried", it is the bidder's responsibility to make sure that his bid is at the office of the owner prior to the set bid time. Any bid that is mailed, federal expressed or sent by any other carrier must be in the owner's possession at the bid time to be accepted. Any bid not in the possession of the owner will be returned unopened. (faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted.} the owner reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or waive any informality or errors in bidding for a period of 90 days after bid opening. Preparation and submission of bids bids shall be executed in accordance with the instructions to bidders and bid form. Also, bidders must include a non collusion affidavit, questionnaire form 96 (financial statement), and accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or a satisfactory bid bond executed with an acceptable surety company, payable to the pike county library (winslow branch) for not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid price (to remain in effect for a period of 90 days after receipt of bids}. Bids are to be delivered in a sealed opaque envelope clearly marked bid showing the bidder's name, address and contract(s) bidding and addressed to the pike county library (winslow branch), 105 e. Center street, winslow, indiana 47598 should bidder withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after opening date without written consent of the owner or fail to execute a satisfactory contract within thirty (30) days after notice of acceptance, the owner may declare the bid deposit forfeited as liquidated damages. Contractor receiving award shall furnish an approved performance bond, labor and material payment bond in an amount at least equal to 100% of the contract amount Method of bidding bids shall be received as follows: complete bid project location the project is located at 105 e. Center street, winslow, indiana 47598 bid requirements bidding documents may be examined at the following locations: office of the architect donovan and donovan 427 main street, suite "a" vincennes, indiana 47591 office of the owner pike county library (winslow branch) 105 center street winslow, indiana 47598 obtaining bidding documents printed bidding documents may be obtained from the office of the architect for a deposit of $100.00 per set. $50.00 of the amount of the deposit shall be refunded for the first set to each bona fide bidder who returns documents (plans and specifications) in good condition within fourteen (14) days after date of bidding. Any non-bidder will forfeit the total deposit Additional complete sets of plans and specifications are available on a purchase price basis of $100.00per set. Supplementary sheets of drawings and specifications for subcontractor or suppliers shall be obtained by paying $5.00 per sheet and specification reproduction at fifty cents (50c) per sheet. Persons requesting supplementary sheets must be responsible for determining the sheets required. There will be no refund on supplementary sheets. Digital copies of the bidding documents may be purchased at $50.00 each from the Office of the Architect. The purchase amount is non-refundable. Due to the size of the documents they cannot be emailed. WAGE RATES Each Contractor shall comply with the wage requirements as set forth and governed by the State of Indiana. Pike County Library (Winslow Branch)




Public - County

Addition, Demolition, Remodeling, Site Work

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105 Center St, Winslow, IN

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