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Published September 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Georgetown, South Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

The City of Georgetown, requests sealed bids from qualified contractors for the above-referenced project. Bidder further agrees to pay as liquidated damages the sum of $500 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter as hereinafter vThe successful candidate must be able to provide materials and labor to perform work at the Georgetown Front St electric power distribution system in Georgetown, SC. The work will be performed for the City of Georgetown, SC. The project includes but is not limited to the below described work as indicated on the drawings and in the project specifications. Details for the sequence of work to be completed is shown in the drawings. - Remove existing underground three phase 12.47 kV primary underground cables between existing transclosure T3 and manhole MHT3 and between transclosure T3 and existing pad-mounted transformer TF. The existing primary underground cable between MHT3 and existing transclosure T2 and existing transclosure T4 will be spliced to new cable pulled from new Junction Cabinet T3. - Remove existing three phase 240 V and single phase 120/240 V secondary underground cables serving pull boxes PB9 and PB10 from existing transclosure T3. Existing service cables will be reused or replaced as necessary. - Existing services directly connected inside existing transclosure T3 will need to be relocated to be served from a new junction box JCT3 installed in Constitution Park as part of this work. - Remove existing transclosure T3, including the enclosed pole-type transformers. - Clean up and repair areas remaining after existing equipment has been removed. Including removal of unused concrete, wood structures, or signs, leveling and grass seeding, and restoration of pavement. - Clean and drain water out of manhole MHT3 and pull boxes PB9 and PB10. Clean and inspect manhole and pull box interior surfaces. - Remove existing cable wall supports and cable support brackets in manholes and replace with new cable wall supports and cable support brackets. Remove existing ground wire and replace with new ground wire and rods. Make ground connections to new cable wall supports. - Provide and install cast-in-place or precast transformer/junction cabinet foundation as indicated on the drawings. Install new pad mount transformers T3. Provide and install new junction cabinet next to transformers T3. - Provide and install new underground conduits by directional boring as indicated on the drawings. Provide and install new underground conduits for services as required. - Provide and install new junction boxes and pedestals in Constitution Park as shown on drawings for new service connections to customers currently served from existing transclosure T3. New junction boxes to include one at existing transclosure T3 location (JBT3) and one on the southwest side of Constitution Park (JBCP). New pedestal to be installed near JBCP. - Provide, install, and test new three phase, 12.47 kV primary underground cables, including terminations at new transformers T3, T3 junction cabinet, and existing pad mount transformer TF, and splices to existing primary cables serving transclosures T2 and T4. - Provide and install new three phase 240 V and single phase 120/240 V secondary underground cables from new pad-mounted transformers to existing underground services cables. Connect No answers will be given over the phone. Questions regarding this RFB should be submitted in writing and emailed, no later than 2:00 PM EST (local time), Thursday, August 24, 2023

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Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 5, 2023

October 5, 2023


Front St, Georgetown, SC

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