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Saving Project...

Published December 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Allison, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Description of the Proposed Work : L-C012(220th)--73-12 Division 1 (RC-C012(112)--9A-12 Phase 3) Station 52+85 to 63+85. Lower road profile to improve sight distance at intersection with Union Ave. Includes grading and paving. Division 2 (Local) Station 63+85 to Station 156+11. 1" mill, 1 1/2" HMA overlay. Description -Units - Quantity Excavation, Class 10, Roadway and Borrow -cy.2000.0 Granular Shoulders, Type B, as Per Plan -sta 500.00 Choke Stone Base -ton 536.0 Macadam Stone Base -ton 783.0 Pavement Scarification -sy 813.0 Hot Mix Asphalt Standard Traffic, Intermediate Course, 1/2 in. Mix -ton 670.000 Hot Mix Asphalt Standard Traffic, Surface Course, 1/2 in. Mix, Nospecial Friction Requirement -ton 243.000 Asphalt Binder, Pg 58-28s, Standard Traffic -ton 64.00 Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Samples -ls 1.00 Payment Adjustment Incentive/disincentive for Hma Mixture -each ..535.000 Laboratory Voids (Formula - by Pay Factor) Payment Adjustment Incentive/disincentive for Hma Mixture Field Voids( Each 535.000 Removal of Pavement -sy 2400.0 Painted Pavement Marking, Waterborne or Solvent-based -sta 35.75 Grooves Cut for Pavement Markings -sta 35.75 Temporary Traffic Signals -each 2 Traffic Control -ls 1.00 Mobilization -ls 1.00 Remove Existing Subbase -sy 2600.0 Granular Shoulders, Type B, as Per Plan -sta .....815.00 Pavement Scarification -sy 24735.0 Hot Mix Asphalt Standard Traffic, Surface Course, 1/2 in. Mix, Nospecial Friction Requirement -ton 2352.000 Asphalt Binder, Pg 58-28s, Standard Traffic -ton 182.00 Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Samples -ls 1.00 Payment Adjustment Incentive/disincentive for Hma Mixture laboratory Voids (Formula - by Pay Factor) -each 1517.000 Payment Adjustment Incentive/disincentive for Hma Mixture Field Voids(- Formula - by Pay Factor) -each 1517.000 Painted Pavement Marking, Waterborne or Solvent-based -sta 317.95 Painted Symbols and Legends, Waterborne or Solvent-based -each 2 Grooves Cut for Pavement Markings -sta 273.75 Grooves Cut for Symbols And Legends -each 2 Traffic Control -ls 1.00 Flaggers -each 15 Pilot Cars -each 5 Mobilization -ls 1.00 Total Proposal Guaranty is $30,000.00; 30 Working Days; Late Start Date: 7/10/2023; $1,000.00/ Day Liquidated Damages. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF THE IDOT, SERIES 2015, AND CURRENT SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS SHALL APPLY. Approved by the Butler County Board of Supervisors at their regular session on 11/8/2022. A Certified check, made payable to the County, or a Cashier' check, made payable to either the County or to the contractor, drawn upon a solvent bank or a bid bond, shall be filed with each proposal in an amount as set forth in the proposal form. Cashier' check, made payable to the contractor, shall contain an unqualified endorsement to the County signed by the contractor or his authorized agent. Failure to execute a contract and file an acceptable bond and Certificate of Insurance within 30 days of the date of the approval for awarding of the contract, as herein provided, will be just and sufficient cause for the denial of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty. All proposals must be filed on the forms furnished by the County, sealed and plainly marked. Proposals containing any reservations not provided for in the forms furnished may be rejected, and the County Board reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all bids. Attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering the qualifications of bidders and subletting or assigning of the contract. As a condition precedent to being furnished a proposal form, a prospective bidder must be on the current Iowa Department of Transportation or local county list of qualified bidders; except that this requirement will not apply when bids are received solely for materials, supplies, or equipment. BUTLER County shall issue sales tax exemption certificates through the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance to the successful bidder and an subcontractors to enable them to purchase qualifying materials for the project free of sales tax. Attention to bidders is directed to the attached Contract Provision for Targeted Small Business (TSB) Affirmative Action Responsibilities for Non-Federal Aid projects. A goal has not been set for this project but bidders are expected to promote participation of TSB firms in this project. The County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin inconsideration for an award. The design of this project was completed by the owner's in-house design professional.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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December 6, 2022

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Multiple Locations, Allison, IA

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