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Published April 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Smithfield, North Carolina. Working plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

As of February 5, 2024, this project is in design development. An architect and a general contractor have been selected. Sub-bidding will take place in June 2024, with construction to follow. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: Johnston County Public Schools is hereby soliciting responses from qualified architectural and engineering teams to provide complete professional design services for the following projects, please indicate the preference of project(s) for which your firm would like to be considered. It is the general intent that separate selections will be made for each of the projects. Design services for all projects are expected to begin in early 2023 following selection and award. A campus master plan to accommodate a future middle school will be included with this design A statement of qualifications and responses to the following criteria will be used to select firms for interview and final selection. Please address the following in your submission in the same order as requested: 1. Proposed Design Team (30%): List your design team and proposed consultant firms, include a brief resume for each key member. Only include staff that will be part of the design team for the project(s), indicate role and experience with firm. Describe your current workload and capacity for being selected for the project(s). Describe your methodology for quality assurance/control internally and consultant's work product through design and construction administration. Describe an example of how your team overcame a design challenge on a previous project. Has your firm been involved in any litigation arising out of any of your projects in the last five years (Yes/No) If yes, please include an explanation. 2. Experience in similar school projects (30%): How many K-12 school construction projects has your firm completed in North Carolina in the last five years Please identify if they were delivered utilizing the construction management at risk delivery method or not. On your last five CM at risk projects over $10M, what were your original budget estimates compared to the actual bid prices/GMP (percent difference) Describe the cost control measures your firm uses to design projects that are cost effective and provide the final unit price information for these projects. What were the number of non-owner generated change orders What is the average percentage of total project MBE participation for the last five K-12 school construction projects over $10M Have you had any legal issues or major technical issues on any of your projects (Yes/No) If yes, please include an explanation. 3. Proximity to, and familiarity with the area where the project will be located (10%): Where is the closest office to Smithfield, North Carolina that will service this project Are you familiar with Johnston County building codes and ordinances (Yes/No) 4. Innovative Design (30%): Describe your design philosophy and how it provides successful education spaces. Describe your design strategy to maximize programming while conserving building efficiency. Describe your design strategy on life cycle analysis, building envelope, HVAC systems, technology, and other features to achieve optimal energy efficiency and sustainable design. Showcase no more than five examples of innovative design solutions and list any awards, recognitions, or professional acknowledgements you've received for innovative or sustainable design. Any questions regarding this RFQ shall be submitted directly to Matthew V Johnson before Wednesday, December 14 at 5:00 pm by email at matthewvjohnson@johnston.k12.nc.us. A copy of the question and written response will be sent to all firms interested in the project. Johnston County Public Schools reserves the right to reject any and all responses received at any time and/or request additional information or clarification The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




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New Construction, Site Work

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June 17, 2024


To Be Determined, Smithfield, NC

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