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Published January 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Boone, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

The Bid shall be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder meeting the project specifications. However, the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or any part(s) thereof, and to waive informalities as allowed by law, and to enter into such contract or contracts deemed to be in the best interests of the Ericson Public Library (City of Boone). The Project shall be known as the Ericson Public Library, 2023 HVAC Improvements, Boone, Iowa. Project Description: HVAC improvements associated with the removal and replacement of the existing fan powered VAV boxes, ductwork modifications, and heating hot water piping modifications. New temperature controls associated with the removal of the existing pneumatic controls and new direct digital controls for the new VAV boxes and existing fin tube radiation. Electrical work associated with removal and reinstallation of new fan powered VAV boxes. Ceiling work associated with removal and reinstallation of ceilings to accommodate the new HVAC work. Work on the Project may commence on or after April 17, 2023 and receipt of signed contracts. Substantial Completion of the Project shall be July 14, 2023 and Final Completion of all punch list items by August 4, 2023. Bid Security in the amount of 5% of the bid in the form of a Bid Bond on form AIA A310, cashier's check, certified share draft or certified check drawn on an Iowa bank or credit union chartered under the laws of the United States shall accompany each bid in a separate, sealed envelope. Bid Security shall be payable to City of Boone. Sales or use tax shall not be included in the bid. Pursuant to Iowa Code, at the time a Construction Contract is issued, the Owner will also issue an Exemption Authorization Letter and a Designated Exemption Entity, Iowa Construction Sales Tax Exemption Certificate for the purchase or use of building materials, supplies and equipment that will be used in the performance of the Work. Other requirements with respect to this provision are set forth in the Project Manual. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown, and coal produced within the State of Iowa Upon award of a contract, the successful Contractor will be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond equal to 100% of the awarded Contract amount, and within the time set forth within the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall also furnish a copy of its Certificate(s) of Insurance showing coverage is being provided consistent with that stated within the Project Manual. The Project shall be paid for in cash or in warrants drawn on such funds as may be legally used for such purposes and available to the Owner. Final payment to the Contractor shall be made as allowed by the Code of Iowa.




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January 12, 2023

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702 Greene St, Boone, IA

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