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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Red Wing, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Red Wing Public School District #256 - 2023 Pavement Rehabilitation - Colvill Family Center Owner: Red Wing Public School District #256 2451 Eagle Ridge Road Red Wing, MN 55066 Contact: Alan Gaylor 651-380-9662 Kevin Johnson 651-764-2685 Engineer: Larson Engineering, Inc. 3524 Labore Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Contact: Greg Buchal 651-481-9120 Red Wing Public School District #256 will receive sealed bids for work to perform pavement rehabilitation at Colvill Family Center located at 269 East Fifth Street in Red Wing, Minnesota. The Owner's intent of award or judgment will be announced within that period. The complete form shall be without alterations, additions, or erasures. All bids shall be on a lump sum basis. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids or bid items and to waive any irregularities in the bids. A pre-bid conference will not be held for the Colvill Family Center paving project. However, contractors may visit the site at their convenience. Please check in at the main office, if visiting during regular school hours. Make Bids on the bid form supplied in the Project Manual. No oral, telegraphic, emailed or telephonic proposals or modifications will be considered. Submit with each bid, a certified check or acceptable bidder's bond payable to Independent School District #256 in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Performance Bond. The Owner requires Final Completion of the project on or before August 18, 2023. The Owner may make investigations as deemed necessary to determine the qualifications and ability of the Bidders to perform the work. The Owner reserves the right to reject Bids in whole or in part, and to waive bidding informalities or irregularities. Supply all labor, transportation, materials, apparatus, and tools necessary for the entire and proper completion of this Work. Install, maintain, and remove all equipment for the proper execution of this Contract. Be responsible for the safe, proper, and lawful performance of equipment, maintenance and use of the same and perform in the best manner and everything properly incidental thereto, as stated on the Contract Documents or reasonably implied therein. The Base Bid is to include all work related to the pavement improvements at Colvill Family Center including: demolition, excavation and grading, reclaiming, paving, concrete sidewalk and curb construction, concrete valley gutter construction, striping, sign installation, and landscaping restoration work. The existing concrete walls located in the southwestern portion of the east parking lot will be crack sealed and repaired. Where required or shown on the plans, sawcut and remove the existing bituminous pavement and concrete sidewalk, sawcut and remove the existing concrete curb and gutter, and dispose of the pavement and concrete materials. Protect the pavement edges from damage during construction such that the final pavement seam/joint is straight and uniform where it abuts the new construction. Where noted on the plan reconstruct select sidewalk areas. Construct new 4" concrete sidewalk over 6" of base aggregate as shown on the plans and details. All new concrete sidewalks are to be ADA compliant, with slopes in the walking direction less than 5% and with cross slopes of less than 2%. Install new ADA compliant ramps at locations identified on the plans and as shown in the details. Sawcut and patch adjacent bituminous pavements as needed to install concrete formwork and ensure a clean straight joint along all concrete repairs. For the east and west parking lots, reclaim the existing pavement and underlying base aggregate materials to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. The reclaiming depth and speed shall be adjusted to avoid mixing in the underlying subgrade soils and to avoid pieces larger than 2 inches after reclaiming. All resulting large pieces shall be removed from the mixture prior to compacting and final grading In all bituminous pavement construction areas, after all grading work and following compaction of the base aggregate materials, a test roll with a fully loaded tandem axle dump truck shall be performed in the presence of the project engineer and/or geotechnical/testing consultant. Excessive deflection or localized weak areas not approved by the Engineer/geotechnical consultant may require additional compaction and/or subexcavation and base aggregate corrections prior to paving. Base aggregate corrections consisting of removing and disposing of the existing materials to a depth of 12" and replacing with compacted recycled or reclaimed base aggregate materials will be performed where soft areas are observed. Remove and replace the adjusting rings for the catch basins and manholes located within the parking lots and adjust the finished elevation to be flush with the new pavement surface. Water valve covers should also be adjusted to be flush with the new pavement surface. The pavement section will consist of 3" of new bituminous pavement over approximately 8" of reclaimed materials. We do not anticipate that it will be required to strip and stockpiling the reclaimed materials and subexcavate the underlying soils in order to provide adequate base aggregate thickness and maintain the proposed finished pavement elevations within the parking lot. The intent is to remove the excess reclaimed materials required for the proposed pavement elevations and re-pave the parking lot areas with 3" of new bituminous, placed in two lifts. Install new concrete valley gutter, B612 and flush curb and gutter where shown. Repair the existing concrete walls located in the southwestern portion of the east parking lot by routing and sealing the existing cracks and patching the concrete stair corner where the concrete has spalled. After the bituminous paving has been completed, re-stripe the entire parking lots, as shown on the plans. Install new traffic and ADA parking signs and posts where indicated and as shown on the plans and details. Restore all disturbed lawn areas with 4" of quality topsoil and then seed or hydro-seed. Restore all disturbed rock mulch areas with additional river rock, as needed, matching the existing rock. Erosion control fabric shall be installed in areas where concentrated water flows occur or where slopes exceed 4 to 1 (horizontal to vertical). The Contractor shall water the lawn areas for a period of 28-days. Remove and dispose of all erosion control measures only after all grass areas are fully re-established and pavement areas have been paved, or as directed by the City of Red Wing


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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269 E 5th St, Red Wing, MN

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