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Published May 23, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Horace, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a development; and road / highway.

Award Details Contract Award Date: May 17, 2023 Contract Award Number: W912ES23C0005 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: V355ECBM6Z65 Contractor Awarded Name: RED BISON SERVICES LLC Contractor Awarded Address: Kenner, LA 70062-7938 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $1,987,939.80 BIDDER INQUIRIES. Any prospective bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the solicitation, drawings, specifications, etc., must submit their questions using the ProjNet system at https://www.projnet.org. Provision 52.214-6 requires that all inquiries be submitted in writing. To submit a new inquiry or to view inquiries submitted by other prospective bidders, users must be registered and signed into the ProjNet system. Bidders may register online at https://www.projnet.org (click on "Register"). The following information will be needed to submit or view bidder inquiries: Managing Agency: USACE Solicitation Number: W912ES22B0026 Bidder Inquiry Key: VB5S2T-U7M9FE Bidders shall submit inquiries not later than 10 days prior to bid opening in order to ensure adequate time is allotted to form an appropriate response and amend the solicitation if necessary. Those who submit an inquiry will receive a system-generated email acknowledgement. All answers to inquiries will be posted in ProjNet after they have been reviewed by the USACE technical team. Bidders are advised to review the solicitation in its entirety and to review all previously submitted questions and responses prior to submitting a new inquiry. 4. IFB EXPENSES AND PRE-CONTRACT COSTS. This IFB does not commit the Government to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of materials or for any other costs incurred by any firm submitting materials in response to this solicitation. Finally, the Government will not pay for or subsidize any costs incurred for attendance at the site visit. W912ES22B0026 Page 69 of 72 5. Any forthcoming amendments will be available on this website It is recommended that each registered firm check this website periodically for updates. 6. All Quantities are estimated except where unit is given as "EA" (each) or "JOB" (job). 7. FACSIMILE BIDS AND MODIFICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. HAND-CARRIED BIDS: Public access to USACE St. Paul District Headquarters, 1332 Minnesota Street, Suite E1500, St. Paul, MN 55101 is through the East tower elevators. Persons delivering hand-carried bids shall go to the Security desk on the 15 th floor, between the hours of 8:00am and 3:30pm on 02, 03, and 06 March 2023, and between 8:00am and 2:00pm on 07 March 2023. Someone from the Security Desk will contact a member of Contracting, who will meet you there and accept the bid. Bids shall only be accepted by a member of the Contracting office.


Conservation and Development


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Site Work





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To Be Determined, Horace, ND

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