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Published February 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Salisbury, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

As of February 3,2022, This project has been awarded to Richard L McGee Jr, with the awarded amount of $39,153. Wicomico County is seeking bids from qualified Vendors to contract for the installation of an automatic in ground irrigation system for the softball field and small football field at the Billy Gene Jackson (BGJ) Park, 429 North Lake Drive, Salisbury, MD 21801, in conformity with the requirements contained herein Bid Documents. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to ensure the completeness and accuracy of their Completed Bid Documents. The last day for questions is noon on Wednesday, December 28, 2022. Late Bid Documents will not be accepted. Minority vendors are encouraged to compete for award of the solicitation. QUESTIONS AND INQUIRES 1. Questions must be addressed in writing to Wicomico County Purchasing at purchasing@wicomicocounty.org. 2. The last date to submit questions for clarification will be noon on Wednesday, December 28, 2022. 3. Addenda are posted on the County website at website under Government: Departments: Purchasing: at website at least five (5) calendar days before bid opening. 4. It is the Vendors responsibly to make sure all addenda are acknowledged in their bid. Failure to do so could result in the bid being disqualified. Bids must be mailed or hand carried to Wicomico County Purchasing Department, 125 N. Division Street, Government Office Building, Room B-3, Salisbury, MD 21801, in order to be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent prior to the announced bid deadline. Bids received after said time or delivered to the wrong location will be returned to the Vendor unopened. BID BOND 1. Bid Documents must be accompanied by a Bid Bond if the Vendor's total Bid amount exceeds $100,000, payable to the County for five (5%) percent of the total amount of the bid. After the analysis of the Bid Documents the County will return Bid Bonds to all Vendors except the three (3) lowest Responsive and Responsible Vendors. After execution of the Contract, and receipt, execution, and approval of the Successful Vendor's Payment and Performance bond, the Bid Bonds will be returned. A certified check may be used in lieu of a Bid Bond. 2. The County, at its discretion, may consider a Vendor in default if the Vendor fails to execute the Contract, in which the County will retain said Bid Bond. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS 1. The Successful Vendor will be required to provide the County with a Performance Bond and Payment Bond if the total Contract amount exceeds $100,000, each in the amount of one hundred 15 percent (100%) of the Contract Price, with a corporate surety approved by the County for the faithful performance of the Contract. 2. The Successful Vendor will within fourteen (14) calendar days after the receipt of the Contract furnish the County with a Performance Bond and Payment Bond in penal sums equal to the amount of the Contract Price, conditioned upon the performance by the Successful Vendor of all undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of the Bid Documents, and upon the prompt payment by the Successful Vendor to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the Work provided by the Bid Document. Such Bonds will be executed by the Successful Vendor and corporate bonding company licensed to transact such business in the state in which the Work is to be performed and named on the current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds" as published in the Circular Number 570. The expense of these Bonds will be borne by the Successful Vendor. If at any time a surety on any such Bond is declared bankrupt or loses its right to do business in the State of Maryland OR IS REMOVED FROM THE LIST OF SURETY COMPANIES ACCEPTED ON FEDERAL BONDS, Successful Vendor will within ten (10) calendar days after notice from the County TO DO SO, SUBSTITUTE AN ACCEPTABLE Bond(s) in such form and sum and signed by such other surety or sureties as may be satisfactory to the County. SCOPE 1. The County is seeking bids from qualified Vendors to install an automatic inground irrigation system on the softball field and small football field at Billy Gene Jackson Park (BGJ Park), in accordance with the terms and conditions and specifications set forth in this solicitation. B. CONTRACT PRICING 1. Pricing must include all labor, materials, tools, and equipment to perform Work. 2. Pricing will not change during the Contract Period. C. SUMMARY 1. The Attached diagram shows the system to be bid on. 2. All materials are listed on the design. 3. All measurements need to be confirmed by Contractor prior to submitting bid. 4. This specification covers the furnishing of all material and labor needed for the installation of all buried irrigation pipe, fittings, valves, rotors and risers, complete in place and tested as shown on the drawings. 5. The lump sum price for the furnishing and installation of irrigation piping shall include, backfilling of trenches with adequate soil to prevent settling of trenches. Trenches must be compacted with mechanical tamper. 6. The Contractor shall protect all utilities and will be responsible to restore any damages done during the installation. 7. All electrical feeds to the well pumps and controllers will be provided outside of this contract. 8. The contractor shall provide on-site protection and storage of all materials during the installation as recommended by the manufacturer. 9. Trenching of pipe must at a depth of 16" minimum. Pipe and fittings shall be carefully handled and placed in trench, to insure debris from entering the pipe. 10. The irrigation system must be properly flushed to prevent clogging of rotor nozzles.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work





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429 N Lake Park Dr, Salisbury, MD

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