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Published December 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Gander, Newfoundland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Purchase Type Duration: 3 years Bid Intent Not Available Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is inviting contractors and suppliers to apply to be placed on an Open Construction Source List (OCSL) for commercial, residential, industrial, institutional, and civil work required by the Department of National Defence at 9 Wing Gander (including but not limited to CFS St. John's, Stephenville, Corner Brook and Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador) for Fiscal Year(s) 2023-2024 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024), 2024-2025 (April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025) and 2025-2026 (April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026) (three fiscal years). Interested contractors and suppliers may request to be placed on the OCSL at any time. However, DCC is requesting that interested contractors and suppliers submit a request to be placed the OCSL as soon as possible, preferably by January 15, 2023. DCC will require ten (10) business days to process an application for the OCSL. Contractors and suppliers that want to be added to the OCSL, must submit a request through this MERX posting and therein indicate their preferred official language (English or French). The language selected by the applicant for this OCSL will be the only language used for the tender documents, the contract documents and communication for all future tenders and during the execution of any resulting contract. The language selected will apply for the duration of the OCSL. Faxed, mailed, or emailed submissions will not be accepted. The OCSL will be used to tender construction services (commercial, residential, industrial, institutional, civil) with an estimated value of $10 million and below. As "Opportunities to bid" arise, DCC will invite all contractors and suppliers on the OCSL to bid on the work. Contractors and suppliers will be invited electronically through MERX and may, at the discretion of DCC, be required to attend a site meeting prior to a tender closing. Tenders will close electronically through MERX. Contractors and suppliers who apply to be placed on the OCSL will require an active MERX account to submit electronic bids. Please contact MERX for information on how to open or reactivate an account. DCC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to: Continue using existing source lists that may already be in place for similar or related services such as existing Quick Response Tender (QRT) source lists, Establish other source lists for specific categories of construction services which may require different pre-qualification requirements, such as Quick Response Tender (QRT) source lists. Such other source lists will not be advertised through this OCSL. Such other source lists will be advertised openly on MERX on a case-by-case basis, Verify which contractors have submitted bids under the OCSL, verify if those that did not submit bids are still interested to be on the OCSL and remove from the OCSL those contractors that are no longer interested, Require additional pre-qualification requirements for any specific tenders done through the OCSL, Elect to post any tender openly on MERX in lieu of this OCSL if DCC deems that an open tender would provide the potential for more competition, Set aside any tenders for Indigenous businesses in accordance with the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business (PSIB). In this case, all contractors, and suppliers on the OCSL will receive an invitation to bid, however the MERX Ad specific to the invitation will clearly identify that the opportunity is set-aside for Indigenous businesses under PSIB, Include a requirement for sub-contracting to Indigenous businesses that must be registered under the Indigenous Services Canada's (ISC) Indigenous Business Directory. In this case, the MERX Ad specific to the invitation will clearly identify the inclusion of an Indigenous Benefits Plan (IBP). Contractors and suppliers are advised that tenders and contracts under this OCSL may contain organization and personnel security requirements. Typically, the organization security requirement will be Designated Organization Screening (DOS) and reliability status for personnel. However more stringent requirement may apply such as Facility Security Clearance (FSC) at the level of SECRET with approved Document Safeguarding (DSC) with secret clearance for personnel. In order to be eligible for contract award, a contractor will be required to, among other things, actively hold all required security clearance(s) at the time of closing, as further detailed in the solicitation/tender documents. DCC may publish quarterly an Advance Procurement Notice (APN) identifying potential tenders with anticipated security requirements to provide interested contractors an opportunity to begin the sponsorship request process for potentially obtaining the required security clearance(s) that are anticipated. The process to apply for a security clearance will be provided in the APNs. DCC reserves the right to reject any application that does not demonstrate, to the sole satisfaction of DCC, that the contractor or supplier has met the stated requirements. DCC also reserves the right to request clarifications and/or confirmations from any or all firms regarding any aspect of their submission information. A written response to each such communication is required from the firm. By submitting a response to this invitation, contractors and suppliers are providing their consent, pursuant to section 30 of the Defence Production Act, for DCC to publicly disclose, after closing, their legal name, address and whether they have been included on the OCSL. The OCSL may be used for procurements covered by trade agreements to which Canada is a party. If you have questions regarding the foregoing, or you wish to be removed from an OCSL, please contact: Defence Construction Canada Mark Smith mark.smith@dcc-cdc.gc.ca Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.

Final Planning


Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 1, 2023


Multiple Locations, Gander, NL

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