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Published January 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Hudson, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Hudson Public Utilities is soliciting proposals for the following work that includes furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, and appurtenances required to evaluate, rehabilitate, test, and service well pump to depths of 280 feet of column, vertical line-shaft, pump, plus tail piece. This specified scope of work terminates at the well discharge head. Parts and materials will be furnished by the Contractor with prior approval from Hudson Public Utilities. This is two of two well pump repairs for 2023. This pump needs to be pulled after one of two is installed. Prior to pump removal the contractor shall record the pre-lube time, gallons per minute pumping, The voltage, the amp draw, the Hz at which the pump is pumping if (VFD), water level, and the vibration of the upper and lower motor frame. Remove motor, 280 feet of column, pump shaft, pump, 1 PVC with 3/8 airline and tail piece. Reinstall motor, 280 feet of column, pump shaft, pump, and tail piece Furnish and install 2 280 of 1 PVCs one of which with 280 of 3/8 airline. The other with an electronic water level probe. The well pump motor shall be loaded onto a Hudson Public Utilities Vehicle. We will have a local motor shop examine the electric motor. Disassemble, clean, and Inspect components for signs of wear and deterioration. Make recommendations the Hudson Public Utility for needed repairs or replacement of parts. No repairs shall be made without prior approval from the Utility. Components shall be put within manufactures specifications before reinstallation The well depth shall be checked and recorded. Any major variations in depth shall be reported to the Hudson Public Utilities. The well is to be videoed. A copy of the video shall be provided to the utility on a thumb drive. Disinfect well prior to pump installation. After reinstallation, the contractor shall record the pre-lube time, gallons per minute pumping, the voltage, the amp draw, the Hz at which the pump is pumping if (VFD), water level, and the vibration of the upper and lower motor frame. Work to be completed April 30,2023. The contractor will be responsible for removing all debris from the site and clean affected areas. The contractor will keep the premises free of debris and unusable materials resulting from their work as the work progresses, or upon request by the faculty representative, the contractor will remove such debris and material from the site. The contractor will leave all affected areas as they were prior to beginning of project. Well and Pump information: Original well depth 385, 18 Casing to 300 Open hole 65 1 stainless steel shaft Pump setting 280 Pump is a Gould vlt-dltm 12 6 stage Column is black steel 12 schedule 40 10 lengths Last service date was in 2017

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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