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Published February 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Adel, Iowa. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

https://www.raccoonvalleyradio.com/2023/02/12/dallas-county-getting-closer-to-building-a-new-administration-building-in-adel/ The Dallas County Board of Supervisors have made steps to construct a new administration building for county uses. Board of Supervisor Mark Hanson says that their planning on demolishing the building on 818 Courts Street and the old jail building on the Adel Square to construct an administration building to house administrative activities like the treasurer's office, recorder's office, planning and zoning, assessor' office, veteran's affairs, the Board of Supervisors and any other county business. Hanson explains that the county has talked about having all the administrative offices under one roof for a while now. "That one of the main reasons for the pressure is the need for additional court space to hold court hearings. And so the first floor of the courthouse where we do have the treasurer and our recorder, those are the most appropriate spaces to add the additional courtrooms and court activities and to have the right delivery method for our sheriff's department that has to bring people to the building from a security standpoint. So we will be expanding the ability to efficiently run the court system by having that building mostly courts." Hanson says the Board of Supervisors decided to go with the construction manager at-risk project delivery method and they formed a committee to recommend the best construction firm to build the project. He says the construction will roughly take 18 months and cost between $15 to $17 million. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dallas County, Iowa (County) will be publishing a request for statements of qualifications (RFQs) for Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) services to provide Construction services for its new Administration Building project in Adel, Iowa. The new Administration Building will be located on Court Street between Nile Kinnick Drive North and North 9 th Street in Adel, Iowa 50003. The County intends to enter into a Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract with the selected CMaR during the preconstruction process. The CMaR will be engaged using a two-step solicitation process. A CMaR with sufficient qualifications based on the following selection criteria will be offered the opportunity to submit a proposal to serve as CMaR for the project: 1. Projects of similar size and scope (public or private) 2. Past Performance 3. Safety Record 4. Proposed Personnel 5. Proposed Methodology At the proposal stage, qualified respondents will be asked to submit their proposed fees for the project. The County will select the CMaR that submits the proposal that offers the best value based on the published selection criteria and on its ranking evaluation at the conclusion of the solicitation process. Tentative Contract Award by Dallas County Board of Supervisors Tuesday 02/14/2023 Requests or inquiries that arise regarding this RFQ must be directed to Dallas County's Director of Finance & Operations, Rob Tietz, at Rob.Tietz@dallascountyiowa.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., CST, Friday December 30, 2022.




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Court St, Adel, IA

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