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Published August 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fort Riley, Kansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Amendment 0001 corrected the Period of Performance of Base year and option years to reflect the 6-month -8 extension of the current Road Maintenance Contract in SF 1442: Block 21. Base Year: PoP 01-JUL-2023 to 30-JUN-2024 was changed 01-JAN-2024 to 31-DEC-2024 Option 1: PoP 01-JUL-2024 to 30-JUN-2025 was changed 01-JAN-2025 to 31-DEC-2025 Option 2: PoP 01-JUL-2025 to 30-JUN-2026 was changed 01-JAN-2026 to 31-DEC-2026 Option 3: PoP 01-JUL-2026 to 30-JUN-2027 was changed 01-JAN-2027 to 31-DEC-2027 Option 3: PoP 01-JUL-2027 to 30-JUN-2028 was changed 01-JAN-2028 to 31-DEC-2028 Bidders shall acknowledge this amendment by completing blocks 15A-C of this SF30 and block 19 of the SF1442. No other changes to the terms and conditions of this solicitation are made or implied.Work under this requirement consists of a construction, removal, replacement, and repairs associated with roadway and airfield projects at Ft. Riley, KS, including removal, replacement and repair of existing subgrade, utilities, shoulders, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other real property common to roadway and airfield pavements. Work may also include minor "new construction", to include construction of new roads, new sidewalks, or new parking lots, or seeding operations based on the seeding season outlined in the KDOT Standard Specifications Section 904 Table 904-1 (https://www.ksdot.gov/bureaus/burConsMain/specprov/2015specprov.asp) . Work will be provided under multiple firm-fixed-price task orders issued as provided in the parent IDC contract. Each task order may involve a variety of construction trades. The Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, equipment, tools, transportation, and ancillary items necessary to complete each project from conception to completion.


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply





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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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