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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in River Falls, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of River Falls (City) and River Falls Municipal Utilities (RFMU) are soliciting proposals from exceptionally well-qualified consultants to assist the City in updating its Water and Sewer Plans. Proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee chosen by the Utilities Director. The City adopted its Sewer Service Area Water Quality Management Plan (Sewer Plan) on October 3, 2000. A study was completed in March of 2009 to supplement the Plan. Per the WisDNR, Sewer Service Area Plans outline 20-year growth boundaries and sensitive areas to protect water quality by proactively addressing the future needs for wastewater collection and treatment in developing areas. This planning helps protect water resources from adverse impacts by facilitating cost-effective and environmentally sound sewerage system planning. Plans identify existing sewered areas as well as available land suitable for new development. The process also identifies areas not suitable for public sewer including but not limited to environmentally sensitive areas (NR 121.05(1)(g)2.c). A Comprehensive Water Study Plan (Water Plan) was prepared for the City in October of 1999, and an update was prepared in May of 2007. A significant amount of growth has occurred within the City in recent years and additional significant development is in the planning stages. Thus, updated Water and Sewer Plans will be crucial to planning future Capital Improvement Projects and guiding the planning of development. Note that the City Future Use Plan is currently in draft format and will be available after Council adoption in January or February 2023. Questions may be submitted until 2:00 P.M. CDT on Friday January 20, 2023. The City intends to recommend a consultant to the UAB on February 20, 2023, and then the City Council on February 28, 2023. This timeline may be subject to change. It is intended that work on the updates begin immediately after the consulting firm is selected. The City desires to have the final updated Plans no later than June 30, 2023. In all cases, the City reserves the right to select a firm and award a contract that is in the best interest of the City, RFMU, and the project. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 27, 2023


Multiple Locations, River Falls, WI

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