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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

CDBG Small Cities Program Application Preparation and Program Administration The Town of Rocky Hill requests proposals from qualified firms or individuals for professional and technical services required to prepare a 2023 Small Cities Community Development Program Application and provide administrative and technical support to implement activities including program income during the contract period, if grant is awarded. This RFP also includes selection for other Federal/State funding programs such as STEAP, Section 108, USDA, etc. that may be used to meet local community development and housing needs.The selected contractor will be responsible for all phases of general program administration and compliance, under the Town's direct supervision for approved projects, excluding funds disbursement, which will include such specific project administrative activities as Section 3, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Davis-Bacon compliance, housing rehabilitation design and delivery if approved, etc.All Application development and submission and Citizen Participation activities necessary for the specific project submission must be included in the proposal. Selection criteria will be based on number of Small Cities projects awarded and completed, number of successful consolidated applications for the SSHP program, working knowledge of federal and state regulations for DOH Small Cities Grants, experience of staff assigned, cost, and any other factors deemed in the Town's best interest.Specific architectural and engineering services required for project activities are not being requested as part of this proposal.Proposals received after 11:00 AM Wednesday, December 28, 2022 will not be accepted.Proposals must include the following information:a. Proposed scope of work and project approach;b. Detailed information of the firm's background and experience in Federal/State funding, specific Small Cities CDBG Program experience is required.c. Key staff assigned with resumes;d. Proposed fee approach including a list of per diem rates by job category;e. Each proposer must provide certification of insurance in the types and amounts specified by DECD Bulletin #94-003 within ten days of selection by the Town.f. DOH-CDBG 101 and CGA Certification.Questions may be directed to Ray Carpentino, Town Manager, via email atrcarpentino@rockyhillct.govThe Town of Rocky Hill is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.WBE/MBE/SBE and section 3 businesses are encouraged to apply. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 28, 2023


Multiple Locations, Rocky Hill, CT

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