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Published December 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

It is the intent of these specifications to provide prospective bidders the requirements for the Furnishing, Delivery and Installation of Barrier Fence Swing Gates at Various Middlesex County Parks and Open Space as required by the Middlesex County Department of Infrastructure Management, Office of Parks and Recreation.The method of award shall be based on the Lowest Total Lump Sum Amount as submitted on the bid sheet. Bids considered shall meet all requirements as outlined in the detail specifications. The successful bidder shall furnish all required supervision, labor, materials, equipment apparatus, tools, transportation, storage, permits, certificates (if required) and all the necessary related items, including insurance, for a full and complete job, as specified. All work shall be performed using the highest quality workmanship by personnel who are experienced in construction and installation of barrier fence swing gates. Prospective bidders are hereby required to completely familiarize themselves with the scope of work required and the conditions to be met by visiting the jobsites taking field measurements and conferring with Office of Parks & Recreation Senior General Supervisor, Mr. Larry Mayerowitz, Cell No. 732-585-8399, or Open Space Coordinator, Mr. Eric Gehring, Cell: 732-289-4320. Said bidder covenants and agree that they have satisfied themselves with their own investigation of the conditions to be met and that they fully understand their obligations and that they shall not make any claim for or have the right to cancellation or relief without penalty of the contract because of any misunderstanding or lack of information. This is an important and irrevocable part of any resulting contract. The contract shall commence five (5) business days from the Date of Award and proceed on a continuous basis until all details of the specifications are met, but not later than thirty (30) days from commencement. Any services ordered or made within thirty (30) days after the contract expires shall be under the same terms and conditions specified in the bid and contract prices submitted by the vendor, unless said vendor indicates, in writing, thirty (30) days prior to contract expiration, that it will not be bound by said terms, conditions and contract prices. Alvin P. Williams Memorial Park Double Twenty-four (24') Davidson Mill Pond Park Single Twelve (12') Donaldson Park - Site A (Entrance) Double Twenty-six (26') Donaldson Park - Site B (to Boat Ramp) Double Twenty-six (26') Matchaponix Forest Preserve Double Twenty (20') County Parks may be occupied at the periods of repair work. All work shall be coordinated with the on-site Park Supervisor as to cause minimum inconvenience to the public.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Plans. If Specifications become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, New Brunswick, NJ

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