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Published February 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Paramus, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Bid security, in the amount of ten percent of the Bid, must accompany each Bid that is submitted. At the option of the Bidder, the Bid security may be in the form of a certified check, cashier's check or Bid Bond payable to Bergen Community College. If a Bid Bond is submitted, it shall be in substantially the form set forth in Section C of the Request for Bids, Form 00600. The Bid Bond shall be obtained from a surety company that is authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey, that satisfies the requirements set forth in N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143 a.(1)(b), and that is listed in the United States Treasury Department Circular 570. Such Bid Bond shall not contain any conditions to the obligations of the surety company issuing the Bid Bond. Bid Bonds signed by an Attorney-in-Fact shall be accompanied by an executed and certified Power-ofAttorney. Bidders shall provide a certificate from a surety company stating that the surety will provide a Performance Bond in the full amount of the contract price if Bidder is awarded a contract. If Bidder intends to submit a Performance Letter of Credit in lieu of a Performance Bond, Bidder shall provide a certificate from a bank or financial institution, as the case may be, stating that the bank or financial institution, as the case may be, will provide a Performance Letter of Credit in the full amount of the contract price if the Bidder is awarded a contract. The certificate from the surety shall be in the form set forth in Form 00610. The certificate from the surety, bank or financial institution, as the case may be, shall not contain any conditions to the obligation of the surety company, bank or financial institution. Bergen Community College (the "College") is soliciting bids for construction related to Sports Field Improvements Public Bid No. P-2374 (the Work). The Work includes new baseball/softball/soccer dugouts, bleachers, fencing, concrete pads and walkways. This Paragraph 1 provides only a summary description of the Work; bidders are referred to the Technical Specifications at Section F (Project Manual and Drawings) of these Bid Documents for a complete description of the scope of Work. All questions related to Bid Specifications and requirements should be directed, in writing, via e-mail to: purchasing@bergen.edu, Attn. S. Weise, Director, Purchasing and Services Please reference this Sports Field ImprovementsPublic Bid No. P-2374 in the subject heading when submitting questions. The deadline to submit questions in writing to the above is January 6, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. local time. After receiving questions from Bidders, the College will compile, respond to, and distribute all questions and their respective responses to all Bidders who have requested a copy of this Public Bid No. P-2374 to incorporate into their Bids. See also Paragraph 19 of this Section A Instructions to Bidders set forth hereinbelow addressing Addenda and Interpretation. The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the following: 1. The project will be for Bergen Community College's Athletic Fields. a. Baseball Field Renovations (Base Bid): New Baseball dugouts, bleachers, fencing, concrete pads and walkways. Alternate 1a - paint the existing backstop. Alternate 2 - replace backstop with new. b. Soccer Field Renovations (Alternate 2): New Soccer bleachers, fencing, accessible ramp, concrete pads and walkways. c. Softball Field Renovations (Alternate 3): New Softball dugouts, bleachers, fencing, concrete pads and walkways.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work




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400 Paramus Rd, Paramus, NJ

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