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Published March 31, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a water / sewer project in Saint George, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.
Bidders may withdraw their Bid by written request before the above time. Amendments to submitted Bids will be permitted when received in writing prior to Bid closing and when endorsed by the same party or parties who signed and sealed the Bid. Submit your Bid on the Bid Form provided. Bidders are required to complete Section 00 41 00 of this document. Your Bid will be required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of 30 days after submission. The Town of St. George reserves the right to reject any or all bids received. Review of bids will be in accordance with the State of Maine, the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration, and the Department of Transportation Standard Specifications dated November 2014 edition. Contractor will be required to submit a Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of the Total Bid and a 100% Performance Bond. The Bid Bond may be either a proposal guarantee bond executed by a surety company doing business in the State of Maine and listed on Circular 570, or a certified check drawn upon a bank within the State of Maine. The project is intended to create a single waterfront facility by filling in two areas between the existing Town Landing to the 10 CSR property, repair/reconstruction of the collapsing sheet steel bulkhead, and expansion of the sheet steel to support newly filled areas. The project will also include construction of new floats and ramps for improved access, reconstruct the existing boat ramp, regrading and paving to provide maneuvering room for vehicles and other site improvements as shown on plans entitled Improvement Plans at 10 Cold Storage Road for the Town of St. George. The project includes all material and workmanship to successfully procure, deliver and construct the improvements as shown on plans entitled "Improvement Plans at 10 Cold Storage Road for the Town of St. George" in accordance with the contract documents. The scope includes all incidentals, project management, communications, insurances and work space on and offsite to complete said work in a timely manner with the highest regard to safety and quality of workmanship. The work includes the demolition and lawful disposal of portions of the site which include steel sheeting, piles and concrete. The project requires removal of the existing northerly boat launch in preparation for replacement. The preparation of the site to function as a safe and clean worksite requires adherence to all local, state and federal labor laws and compliance with standing permits issued for the project. This includes installation and maintenance of the site in compliance with Army Corp of Engineers and MaineDEP Best Management Practices for Erosion Control. The contractor shall move onsite existing site material in preparation to set false work to brace and install SKZ31 and SKZ 20 Steel bulkhead as shown on the bid plans. The work includes providing and installing steel toe pins grouted and socketed to ledge, whalers, tie rods, corner braces and anchor sheets as shown on the attached plans. The contractor shall provide material and labor to install specified backfill for infill areas. This includes compaction and geotextiles as described in project plans. The scope of the work requires all traffic control for the site including logistics and planning for transportation of products to site. The site work includes installation of 100'x20' boat launch and re-grading of the launch approach. The contractor will provide materials and labor to install a cast in place reinforced concrete grade beam along the top edge of the new steel bulkhead. The concrete site work includes cast in place slab for storage and 2 hydraulic hoist foundations. The sitework includes installation of storm drainage piping, basins and inlets. The site contractor shall provide and install a new 2" SDR 11 water service to the site. The water service requires termination of an existing line, and installing new valves as shown. The water service system is extended into the site through 1" HDPE CTS piping for distribution. The site distribution includes portions which can be winterized with integrated check valve ball drains which are self-draining and may be blown out for winterization of the system. The contractor is to provide new granite barrier and roll type curbing set in concrete at location shown on said plans. Site work includes trenching backfill and compaction in areas of all new utilities installed, with records of as built locations provided to site engineer through-out project duration. The site work includes landscape cobble pavers on the southwest bulkhead. The contractor shall provide and install new transformers and pull boxes required for electrical installation. The electrical work includes upgrading the pole on Cold Storage Road, installing concrete encased conduits, meter pad and site distribution network as described by Electrical Plan. The work includes conduits, markings, backfill and compaction as shown, however noting spare conduits to cross paved areas for future expansion of communication and power needs. The electrical work includes lighting as specified with concrete pole bases. As part of the bulkhead installation the contractor shall provide and install fender pile system, 9 -16'x20' commercial floats, and 2-50' aluminum ramps.
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
Division 01 - General Requirements
Division 03 - Concrete
Division 04 - Masonry
Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection
Division 09 - Finishes
Division 10 - Specialties
Division 26 - Electrical
Division 27 - Communications
Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security
Division 31 - Earthwork
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements
Division 33 - Utilities
Division 34 - Transportation
Division 35 - Waterways and Marine Construction
Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment
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10 Cold Storage Rd, Saint George, ME
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