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Published January 5, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

For Pottstown Wastewater Treatment and Water Treatment Chemicals - Liquid Chlorine CLARIFICATION DEADLINE: 12/21/2022 12:00 AM A bid bond, certified check or cashiers check drawn to the order of the Borough of Pottstown in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid must be submitted as a copy with proposal as Bid Security, which will be returned after the award of the contract. All documents shall be submitted electronically Bids may not be withdrawn within sixty (60) days after the time affixed for the bid opening. The Borough of Pottstown reserves the right to reject any of all bids or any part thereof in the best interest of the Borough of Pottstown Since the determination of the successful bidder requires uniformity of terms and quotations of prices, the Borough of Pottstown reserves the right, in the sole and absolute discretion, to reject any proposal which does not conform with the requirements of the Advertisement, the Instructions to Bidders, Engineering Specifications and Form of Proposal or to waive any informalities therein. The Borough of Pottstown reserves the qualified right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to reject any and all proposals. The award, if any, will be made to the lowest responsible bidder who has met the desired criteria as determined by the Borough, on the basis of the total contract for each respective time period noted. The Borough of Pottstown reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to accept the lowest bidder in the one (1) year, three (3) year or five (5) year time period, whichever meets the criteria desired by the Borough. The total contract for each bidder will be determined as outlined in the General Engineering Specifications. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a form of Bid Bond, a certified check, a cashiers check drawn to the order of the Borough of Pottstown, in the amount of 10% of the total amount of the bid. The successful bidder will be required, upon acceptance of his proposal, to execute and deliver a performance Bond, subject to the approval of the Borough of Pottstown, in the sum of 100% of the total contract price condition upon the faithful supply of the successful bidder as called for by the terms of the contract. Under the scope of this bid, it is intended to furnish services, products and materials to the Borough of Pottstown for a period of eleven (11) months beginning February 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023. BOROUGH OF POTTSTOWN BILLING ADDRESS Borough of Pottstown Finance Department 100 East High Street Pottstown, PA 19464 Contact: Marley Boone Phone # 610-970-6534 Fax # 610-970-6595 POTTSTOWN WATER TREATMENT PLANT - DELIVERY ADDRESS Pottstown WTP 668 Old Reading Pike Stowe, PA 19464 Contact: Jim Hennessy, Superintendent Phone # 610-970-6545 Fax # 610-970-6546 POTTSTOWN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - DELIVERY ADDRESS Pottstown WWTP 1269 Industrial Highway Pottstown, PA 19464 Contact: Brent Wagner, Utilities Director Phone # 610-970-6540 Fax # 610-970-6544


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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January 5, 2023

February 1, 2023


Multiple Locations, Pottstown, PA

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Pottstown Wastewater Treatment and Water Treatment Chemicals - Liquid Chlorine

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