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Published December 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Paden City, West Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Paden City Development Authority (PCDA) is seeking an environmental consulting firm to provide Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP)/Licensed Remediation Specialist (LRS) services and technical assistance in implementing a Community Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The PCDA Community Wide Assessment program is focused on identifying and attracting new businesses and improving recreational opportunities to Paden City through the redevelopment of industrial legacy sites and other existing spaces. Activating these properties into a mix of commercial and recreational spaces will increase entrepreneurship activity in Paden City and surrounding communities. The primary focus area of the grant is the Industrial Park (8.6 acres), Paden City Park (24.9 acres) and 3 to 5 other smaller sites (5 acres total). The selected environmental consulting firm will perform Phase I and Phase II Assessments, undertake site characterizations in accordance with US EPA Brownfields Standards, produce recommendations for site clean-up and create site reuse planning deliverables from approximately February 15, 2023 through the end of September 2025. SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUESTED Environmental Assessment Activities Conduct up to 5 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for sites identified by the PCDA using US EPAs All Appropriate Inquiry Rule (40 CFR Part 312) and ASTM E1527-13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessment: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process or the most current ASTM standard that meets EPA All Appropriate Inquiry compliance. Develop a Quality Assurance Program Plan and submit to the PCDA for review and U.S. EPA approval for use with the Phase II ESAs. Develop a site-specific Sampling & Analysis Plan and Health & Safety Plan and submit to the PCDA for review and U.S. EPA approval prior to conducting each Phase II ESA. Conduct up to 3 Phase II ESAs on sites identified by the PCDA using ASTM E1903-19 Standard Practices for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process. Site Reuse and Remedial Planning Develop Remedial Action Plans/Site Reuse Plans for properties identified by the PCDA that evaluate the site for human health and ecological risk factors, future reuse plans, specific contaminants of concern and site remediation alternatives. Develop site disposition and/or revitalization plans and long term usage studies for properties and projects identified by the PCDA. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION Proposals should be submitted in PDF or Word format. Proposals that include teams of consultants from multiple firms will be acceptable but must be clearly identified and their roles detailed in the submission. Each proposal should include the following: 1. Cover Letter : Include a cover letter with the firm(s) name, address, phone number and email address. 2. Company Profile & Qualifications . Describe the firm(s) history and technical capabilities: track record of professional integrity and competence; ability to work and comply with federal, state and local government agencies and persons in official oversight/compliance capacities, and familiarity with brownfield projects/processes. 3. Experience . Describe the firm(s) knowledge of and involvement in the US EPA Brownfields program, West Virginia brownfields projects and the West Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program including experience in providing eligible assessment grant services such as: asbestos surveys, mold surveys, lead paint surveys, site disposition studies, market feasibility studies and re-use planning reports. i. Example Projects : Describe at least three similar brownfield assessment or re-use planning projects the firm(s) has successfully completed. Projects involving re-use planning or assessment using U.S. EPA Brownfields funding and/or participants in the WV Voluntary Remediation Program are preferred but not required. ii. References: Provide three references along with contact information from projects of similar scope undertaken by the firm(s). 4. Project Methodology . Describe generally the techniques, approaches and methods the firm(s) will use to provide the requested services. i. Project staffing : Provide a description of the firm's key personnel who will be assigned to the project, including the QEP/LRS. Indicate the project manager who will be responsible for ensuring project success and the roles for all key personnel. Provide the names and experience of key personnel, including education and professional registration. Once all of the proposals have been evaluated, a shortlist or competitive range of qualified firms will be asked to make a presentation/interview to the PCDA selection committee. Personnel assigned to the project must participate in the presentation. The presentation will be in person in the Paden City, City Hall, Council Chambers. Those firms selected to move on to the second round, will be asked to provide the financials for the project. This short list of firms should prepare a final proposal, which shall include a proposed project budget detailing fees and related costs. The successful bidder will be required to furnish the following documentation prior to contract award: Certificate of Insurance naming the PCDA as an additionally insured Certificate of Coverage of Workers Compensation or Approved Waiver. Disclosure of Interested Parties form. In addition to the terms and conditions outlined in the RFP, all work performed will be done in accordance with applicable rules and regulations issued by the US EPA and the State of West Virginia. Interested firms should register with Luke Peters at MOVRC in order to receive the final addendum. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TIMELINE RFP posted: December 14, 2022 Deadline for questions: December 21, 2022 (12:00 p.m. EST) Addendum issued: January 6th, 2023 Deadline for emailed proposal submission: January 20, 2023 (4:00 p.m. EST) No allowances made for error in delivery. Notification to firms selected for shortlist presentation/interview. Estimated January 25, 2023 Shortlist firms presentation/interview schedule: February 6 - February 8, 2023 Firm(s) selected/awarded. Estimated February 10, 2023 Project Kick-off Meeting: February 15, 2023 Project completed: September 2025 The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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July 20, 2023


Multiple Locations, Paden City, WV

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