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Published January 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Omaha, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

For Landscape Maintenance Services for Abbott Drive (2023) Bid bond or certified check required in the amount of 5% if the total amount for the item offered is $20,000 or more. Bid bond or certified check shall be made payable to City of Omaha Right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids in their entirety and the bidders shall have the right to appeal any decision to the Omaha City Council and/or the Douglas County Board of Commissions. Questions regarding this bid should be sent via email to bidquestions@douglascounty ne.gov. Vendor must include the bid title and company name in the subject line. The deadline to submit questions on this bid is 11:00 a.m. on the Thursday before the bid opening date. Answers to questions will be posted via an addendum no later than the Friday before bid opening electronically The City of Omaha may terminate the awarded contract at any time if the vendor fails to carry out the terms or fails to make substantial progress toward the fulfillment of the contract obligations. In such event, the City shall provide the vendor with thirty (30) days written notice of conditions which endanger contract performance. If after such notice the vendor fails to remedy these conditions, the City may send a certified letter to the vendor for immediate cancellation of the contract. In such event, the City would receive a pro-rated portion of the value of the performance bond depending on the value of the remaining portion of the contract. The City will give the vendor sixty (60) days notice of termination of contract if appropriations cease. The City of Omaha may also terminate the agreement for any reason upon 30 days' notice. The successful vendor shall provide a performance bond equal to the vendor's bid within ten (10) calendar days from award of the contract. The surety company issuing the performance bond should be licensed by the State of Nebraska and listed on the current edition of Circular 570 of the United States Department of the Treasury Liquidated damages shall be assessed at a rate of 1% of the total purchase order amount per calendar day that satisfactory performance is not fully complete. Satisfactory performance shall occur on or before the date agreed to at the time of the bid or purchase award between the City and the awarded bidder. Satisfactory performance shall also be deemed to include product or purchase compliance with all specifications set forth in the bid award. The amount of liquidated damages shall be deducted from any monies due the awarded bidder by the City. If applicable, when the monies due to the awarded bidder are not sufficient to satisfy the City's liquidated damages, the awarded bidder shall submit payment to the City the amount to satisfy any outstanding liquidated damages owed within 10 days of the date of non-performance. The City may, at its sole discretion, allow "excusable delays" when assessing if liquidated damages are applicable. An excusable delay is defined as a delay that causes disruption to the installation schedule but which is beyond the awarded bidder's control. Excusable delay may include delays caused by weather, strikes, or natural disasters. Any determination of excusable delay by the City shall be limited in time and scope and shall not be a guarantee or promise of future determinations of excusable delay by the City. The term of this Contract shall begin upon approval of Omaha City Council and end on December 31, 2023. At the Citys sole discretion this contract may be extended for two additional one (1) year periods (2024 and 2025) at the same prices, terms and conditions.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Abbott Dr, Omaha, NE

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