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Published December 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Riverside, California. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District (JARPD) is a California Special District. The JARPD serves residents of the Zip Codes 92509 and 91752 in Jurupa Valley and a portion of Eastvale in Riverside County. JARPD owns a property located at 4810 Jurupa Rd, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 known as the Jurupa Community Center. The District intends to complete a facility renovation to modernize the facility and bring it into compliance with current building codes and ADA. The intent of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to identify an Architectural Firm (Consultant) that can provide services consistent with the scope of work included in this document, to JARPD. This document will provide Consultants with the information necessary to prepare and submit responses for consideration of this service. Consultants responding to this RFQ are expected to provide JARPD with information and evidence which will enable the evaluation of the information in expectation of awarding a contract in a manner which best serves JARPD. JARPD has the right to use any and all ideas presented in any response to this RFQ. JARPD reserves the right to award a contract based solely on what it considers providing the greatest long-term benefit to JARPD and the best quality of service to the community JARPD is seeking the services of an Architectural Firm to provide full Design Services, from Conceptual through Construction Documents and Construction Administration services, to create a fully functional community center by renovating the property. The Community Center needs to be designed to offer some of the following services and/or features. This is not a comprehensive list of services as we are engaging with the Architectural Firm to provide innovative and creative ideas of creating the Community Center. Adequate spaces for fitness and recreation classes Commercial kitchen Community meeting space Conform to ADA requirements Interactive indoor/outdoor classroom for children and adults Storage Area Office/staff workspace Letter of Response which includes the principal of the firm authorized contractually to complete the work. Consultants or firms name and address along with sufficient information regarding qualifications and abilities to complete this project; which includes an email address and the physical location of business. Proposals by a joint team or a prime/subcontractor team shall list the full names and addresses of all team members and the proposed relationship/role of each. The Consultant shall designate a project team comprised of experienced professional and technical staff to competently and efficiently perform the work with their own personnel, Subcontractors, or commitment to hire additional staff. The response shall identify the project team composition, project leadership (i.e., principle, project manager), reporting responsibilities, and address how Subcontractors will fit into the management structure. As a minimum, the principle in charge and manger shall be designated. Other key personnel may also be designated. The manager must have adequate experience in managing services of similar nature and scope. JARPD staff will review the responses. Responses will be received and evaluated on the understanding that the Consultant accepts full responsibility for, and will be contractually bound by, all statements made within the proposal and by sales and/or technical representatives. This responsibility extends to verbal sales commitments, vendor literature and claims of the capacity and ability of the proposed Consultant and its representatives to meet the specified scope of service requirements contained in this RFQ. The evaluation of Responses will include, but may not be limited to, the items listed in this RFQ. Additional significant consideration will be given to the quality and comprehensiveness of each consultants response to this RFQ and to the fee schedule submitted. JARPD reserves the right to accept responses in whole or in part, and to negotiate with any Consultant in any manner necessary to serve the best interests of JARPD. Consultants may be strictly held to the terms submitted in their responses as maximums but may be required to reduce costs depending upon aspects of the services which may be determined by JARPD to be unnecessary, or aspects for which JARPD decides to assume the responsibility. The response submitted by any successful Consultant and accepted by JARPD whether in whole or in part, will become part of the contract awarded as a result of this RFQ and the Consultant will be expected to sign a contract with JARPD, consistent with the RFQ, and such contract may include additional terms and conditions. JARPD reserves the right to withdraw or cancel this RFQ at its own discretion. JARPD also reserves the right to reject any and all responses resulting from this solicitation. JARPD reserves the right to obtain any information from any lawful source regarding past business history and practices and the ability of Consultant to supply Architectural services that JARPD has a right to expect from a Consultant with a good reputation. Such information may be taken into consideration in evaluating the responses. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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February 1, 2023


4810 Pedley Rd, Riverside, CA

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