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Published July 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Indianapolis, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and road / highway.
The City-Council, General Ordinance 21, 2016, IC 4-13-6.4-2.5(d) and IC8-23-1`0-0.5(d) add new requirements for bids on public works projects. Pursuant to IC-4-13-18-5, the Bidder must submit wtih the Bid a written plan for a program to test the Bidder's employees for drugs. For more information, please see Proposal Package, Bid-11, and Indiana Code (Ie) Additional Requirements, AR-11. All prospective Bidders are strongly urged to attend the XBE conference to learn about other efforts to meet MBE/WBE/VBE/DOBE goals. For accommodations needed by persons with disabilities to attend the public bid opening meeting, please call 317-327-4900. A Bid Bond or certified check in an amount not lessthan five percent (5%) of the amount bid must be submitted with each Bid. A one hundred percent (100%) Performance and Payment Bond will also be required of the successful Bidder. This Mass Grading and Site Utilities Scope of Work consists of, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Complete all work indicated on the Bid Documents Drawing Set dated 11/30/2022, unless otherwise noted in this scope of work: 2. Complete all work in accordance with the project specifications. 3. Any asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, steps, curbs, and sidewalks referenced within these documents is excluded from this contract (including sub-base) and will be installed by others in a future contract. 4. Contractor is responsible for removing the large rock from the site haul offsite or option of salvage for owner as directed. 5. Contractor is responsible for all site clearing as shown on the drawings including removal of all the root system from below the ground from all the tree locations. 6. Work includes maintenance of traffic in order to complete the scope of work on Prospect Street and around the building roadways and parking lot. 7. Contractor is responsible for dewatering as per Specification Section 312319 - Dewatering. Dewatering must be containerized and sampled by Owner's Environmental Consultant as indicated; impacted water that cannot be discharged to an approved stormwater system shall be the responsibility of the Owner. 8. Work includes all site demolition. 9. Contractor to provide a full equipment submittal per Specification Section 236423 from the manufacturer for each chiller alternate no later than 2:00 pm the day bids are due sent to 10. Contractor must comply with the Soils Management Plan and the Remediation Work Plan prepared by August Mack dated November 3, 2017. 11. Work includes repair of any parking lot, asphalt and concrete roadway demolished or damaged during the performance of the work. 12. Work includes any layout or surveying needed to complete this scope of work. 13. Contractor shall be responsible for all construction material testing. 14. Set all castings to the proper elevations by the Mass Grading and Site Utilities Contractor as required by the contract documents. The Building Contractor shall adjust castings to the proper design elevations while completing the site improvements work such as concrete curbs and asphalt paving, etc. 15. Contractor must import fill materials as needed to complete their scope of work. 16. All fill or borrow material shall be approved by Citizens Energy Group prior to use on site, except for those materials procured from established stone quarries or aggregate suppliers. All excavated soils must be classified by the City's Environmental Consultant to determine if those excavated soils must be hauled to the landfill for disposal or re-used onsite. Contractor must closely coordinate their excavation and grading work with the Environmental Consultant who will be onsite throughout the project. 17. The cost of hauling to and disposal of any miscellaneous debris at a certified landfill should be included as part of base lump sum bid proposal. 18. Any spoils determined to be impacted material by the City's Environmental Consultant shall be hauled off separately to a landfill certified by the City's Environmental Consultant. Costs associated with hauling and disposal of impacted material will be charged against the Owner's impacted material allowance including the dump fee on a T&M basis. (This applies to Alternate Two (2).) 19. Provide a credit to reuse onsite excavated soils in accordance with the Soil Management Plan and IDEM uncontaminated soils policy in lieu of disposing of at land fill (This applies to Alternate One (1).) 20. Contractor shall install building pads to -1' from the buildings finished floor elevation (FFE) and building pad elevations to at least 5' outside building footprint. 21. Contractor shall extend completed stone base to 2' outside the curb line of all pavement sections. 22. Complete mass grading, including cut and fill as needed, to achieve the final grades indicated in the project documents 23. Install sanitary sewer system to 5' outside of building as indicated in the project documents. Include tie-in to existing City infrastructure. 24. Install storm sewer system to 5' outside of building as indicated in the project documents. Include tie-in to existing City infrastructure. 25. Install new water main to 5' outside of building as indicated in the project documents. Include tie-in to existing City infrastructure. 26. Install conduit and structures for future electrical service to 5' outside of building as indicated in the project documents. 27. Install conduit and structures for future telecom service to 5' outside of building as indicated in the project documents. 28. Work includes all erosion and sediment control indicated in the project documents. 29. Work includes Maintenance of Traffic in order to complete the scope or work. 30. Work includes repair of any roadway demolished or damaged during the installation of utility tieins. 31. Work includes any layout or surveying needed to complete this scope of work. 32. Work includes PDF and CAD as-built documentation of all installed work including: a. Water service as-built b. Sanitary system as-built c. Storm system as-built d. Electrical conduit as-built e. Gas line as-built f. Telecom - including fiber duct bank g. Final topographic survey including building pad 33. This scope includes all manpower, equipment, materials, safety requirements, environmental submittals, permit fees, tap fees, product submittals, etc., needed to complete this scope of work. 34. Contractor understands that the Owner will separately bid the building on this site and that a different Contractor may mobilize on or around 06/22/2023 to begin installation of their foundations and subsequent work. Mass Grading and Site Utilities Contractor to coordinate work, deliveries, laydown area, etc., with the Building Contractor. 35. Owner Allowances and Contingency (Specification Section 012100) a. Contractor shall carry an Owner's Contingency Allowance of $500,000. b. Contractor shall carry an Impacted Material Allowance of $700,000. c. Any Contract allowance and/or any contingency dollars will be solely spent at the Owner's discretion. Funds will be drawn from allowances and contingency only by Change Order or executed PCO. At Contract closeout, any funds remaining in Owner's Contingency Allowance or other Allowances will be credited to Owner by Change Order. 36. In instances where there is conflict between the provisions of Specification Section 012100 - Allowances and the Standard General Conditions for Construction Contracts with regard to allowances, the provisions of Specification Section 012100 shall govern. 37. Youth and Family Services Center Mass Grading and Site Utility Schedule Dates: a. All work in this scope is to be completed between 04/01/2023 and 09/30/2023. Administrative, procurement and fabrication activities may precede these dates. b. Building pads must be built and completed no later than 06/21/2023. c. Stone base for roadways and parking areas must be installed and compacted by 09/30/2023. d. Substantial Completion for this Scope of Work is no later than 09/30/2023. 38. The Scope of Work includes, and Contractor shall be responsible for, the prompt payment of, all charges and costs imposed, incurred or payable for the materials, machinery, equipment, labor and supervision used in or furnished in connection with the performance of the Work, including, but not limited to, the cost of materials, rental costs on machinery and equipment, wages, fringe benefits, employee taxes and any other labor burden expenses, charges for all utility services, and all local, State and Federal taxes, including sales taxes, use taxes and personal property taxes, customs, duties and tariffs, applicable permits, licenses, transportation, freight and insurance, profit, overhead, and related charges associated with the Work, and any additional general conditions costs incurred in connection with performing the Work. Contractor shall pay and bear the risk of any increase in such materials, machinery, equipment and labor costs, charges, taxes, customs, duties, tariffs, permits, licenses, transportation, freight and insurance, profit, overhead, and related charges associated with the Work, and any additional general conditions costs incurred in connection with performing the Work. Where the law requires any tax to be stated and charged separately, the total of all items included within the Work and any taxes thereon shall not exceed the Contract Price stated herein. Contractor shall furnish evidence, when required by this Agreement or requested by Owner, establishing that all of such payments required to be made by Contractor have, in fact, been made. The Contract Price is firm and fixed and will not be modified except by mutual agreement in writing. Bidders shall assure that they have obtained complete sets of drawings and Contract Documents and shall assume the risk of any errors or omissions in Bids prepared in reliance on incomplete sets of drawings and Contract Documents. This Work will be funded by theCity of Indianapolis. The participation goal for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) for this contract is fifteen percent (15%). The participation goal for Women Business Enterprise (WBE) for this contract is eight percent (8%). The participation goal for Veteran Business Enterprise (VBE) is three percent (3%). The participation goal for Disability-owned Business Enterprise (DOBE) is one percent (1%). Bid packages will not be available for sale in the city's purchasing division office or the office of finance and management.
Roads / Highways
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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3030 Prospect St, Indianapolis, IN
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