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Published January 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Wilmington, Delaware. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Red Clay Consolidated School District is planning to utilize ERATE Category II funding to add new UPS in various locations using an APC UPS or compatible alternate. Installation is not required as part of this project. The vendor will provide any of the following: Up to 10 (ten) APC Smart-UPS SMTL1500RM3UC or compatible alternate. 1 (one) APC Symmetra LX 16kVA Scalable to 16kVA N+1 Rack-mount, 208/240V or compatible alternate. This contract shall be in effect for the appropriate period once awarded by the district's board and effective through June 30, 2024. This contract may be extended for additional time periods upon the mutual agreement of all parties. Any increase in rates, if accepted, as part of an extension agreement shall not exceed the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W US City Average) for the latest twelve-month period at the time of acceptance. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed information, please contact Latoya M EI, Procurement Specialist, Data Service Center All bid deposits are waived for contracts valued at less than $45,000.00. Deposits are required for contracts for materials or services in excess of $45,000.00 unless the bid specifications state that bid deposits are waived. All public works contracts in excess of $50,000.00 require a deposit. All bids shall be accompanied with a deposit of either a good and sufficient bond to the State of Delaware for the benefit of the District involved, with corporate surety authorized to do business in this State, for a sum equal to 10% of the bid, or in lieu of the bid bond a security of the bidder assigned to and approved by the District. Bidders are advised that they may obtain written confirmation from the Data Service Center for the acceptance of a security deposit other than a bond, prior to the submission of the bid. The bid bond need not be for a specific sum but may be stated to be for a sum equal to 10% of the bid to which it relates and not to exceed a certain stated sum, if said sum is equal to at least 10% of the bid. All bidders shall submit a separate bid deposit for each proposal. Where all four (4) Districts are named in a proposal, a single bid deposit drawn to the order of the Brandywine School District, will be acceptable. Upon the execution of a formal contract and necessary bonds, the bid deposit will be returned to the successful bidder. The deposit of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them immediately upon the awarding of the contract, or the rejection of all bids. Bid Deposit The requirement of a 10% bid deposit is waived for this project. Performance Bond The requirement of a 100% performance bond is waived for this project. Any questions relating to these services should be referred to Latoya M. El- Data Service Center, lel@dataservice.org All questions and answers will be posted on the State of Delaware




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January 26, 2023

February 27, 2023


Multiple Locations, Wilmington, DE

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