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Published February 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a clubhouse / community center in Fort Scott, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a clubhouse / community center.

The Fort Scott Housing Authority (FSHA) is seeking Proposals from qualified firms to provide all labor and materials for the HVAC and Electrical Modernizations at the Cameron Heights Community Center. The general scope of work includes removal and replacement of the (3) rooftop HVAC units, roof repairs to properly flash the HVAC system, a new underground electrical service entrance, replacement of electrical service distribution equipment, and other items as specified for a complete and working installation. Any questions regarding the RFP should be directed to Richard Zingre, Project Architect at Zingre and Associates, PA. rzingre@gmail.com or 620-223-6030 voice. a) General Construction i) Please see the attached plans and technical specifications to determine the full scope of work. ii) The general scope includes (1) Demolition of the existing rooftop HVAC units (2) Installation of new HVAC equipment as specified. (3) Removal of the overhead electrical service and meter system (4) Trenching of new buried electrical service from pole to new building mounted meter can (5) Yard and concrete sidewalk repairs (6) Removal and replacement of the load centers as indicated. (7) Other items as indicated iii) The Contractor is responsible for daily cleanup of the work areas, and for hauling these items off for disposal off site. iv) After the original contract has been awarded, additional work may be identified by the Owner and the successful contractor. Additional work will be done by a change order. v) All work shall be completed in compliance with these contract documents vi) Weekly certified payroll reports (CPR's) shall be completed and submitted to the Owner for review. General Items b) The Owner will approve an agreement with one company within 30 days of the proposal submission date. The contract period will be 45 calendar days. c) The Owner will issue the notice to proceed when the Contractor is ready to proceed (meaning all supplies and equipment have been procured and are ready for installation). The work will commence as soon as possible based on work conditions required. d) All services must be performed in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws. e) See the HUD 5370-EZ for General and Automotive liability insurance requirements. f) The Owner will waive requirements for assurance of completion on this project as long as the Contractor agrees that no progress payments will be made until the project is complete. When the work is complete and approved, the Owner will request final lien waivers from all suppliers, subcontractors and the G/C, and will make payment when the contract closeout documents are received and approved. g) If the Contractor would like to receive progress payments during the work, the Owner will require some form of assurance of competition. Suitable forms of assurance can be any one of the following: i) 100% performance and payment bonds, or ii) 20% cash escrow in the form of a cashier's check, or iii) 25% irrevocable letter of credit 6) Proposal Submission Criteria: a) Please use the bid form that is included with this packet. b) Please fill out and attach the non-collusive affidavit that is included after the bid form. c) Provide a Certificate of Insurance that provides evidence of the required workman's comp and liability insurance. d) No Bid security is required. The Contract will be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. A bidder is considered qualified if they provide the submission documents indicated above and satisfy a reference check by the Owner. The Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to award the contract in the best interest of the Authority. The Housing Authority is Exempt from Sales Tax and will provide the successful vendor with a Project Tax Exemption Certificate prior to purchase of any materials needed for the work. Cost estimate: $100K-$200K *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Clubhouse / Community Centers


Public - City






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January 25, 2023

February 24, 2023


Cameron Dr, Fort Scott, KS

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