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Published February 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Anaheim, California. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Bid Bond 0.00% Payment Bond 0.00% Performance Bond 0.00% Online Q&A Yes Q&A Deadline 01/20/2023 12:00 AM (PST) Scope of Services Notice is hereby given that the City of Anaheim Department of Public Utilities in partnership with the Department of Public Works (hereinafter referred to as "City") is soliciting Statements of Qualifications from Design-Build Entities (DBE) to design and construct a new Sustainability Education Center (SEC) to serve the community of Anaheim, California and surrounding areas. In accordance with the provisions of the California Public Contract Code Section 20101, City is utilizing a two-step process to prequalify, select and award a contract to a DBE for the design and construction of the SEC. The SEC will be an educational demonstration center that incorporates technology, sustainability, and workforce development programs. As a local community resource, it will serve audiences inclusive of residents, businesses, K-12 students, college students, non-profit youth providers, and workforce development partners. The SEC will feature highly interactive, engaging, relevant, educational and multi-purpose exhibits that highlight energy- and water-efficiency measures and strategies, solar and other renewable technologies, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations, battery storage, water conservation, drought-tolerant garden displays, STEM-based student programs, job skills training in green jobs, and demonstrations on how water and electricity get to Anaheim homes and businesses. Exhibits will integrate LED displays that can be easily updated and allow for translation into multiple languages. The goal is to establish a community facility that would create a multisensory guest experience where kids and adults can touch, feel, experience, compete, and build on activities that promote sustainability initiatives and utility-themed career opportunities. Question Deadline 01/20/2023 ESTIMATED DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COST The estimated design and construction cost is estimated at $8,000,000-$9,000,000 (subject to revision prior to RFP phase). More detailed information will be provided during the RFP phase. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (714) 765-5157 or via e-mail at bmedina@anaheim.net. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project will be located on a parcel owned by Anaheim Public Utilities on Vermont Avenue and Rose Place. The total lot size is 16,000 square feet. Located in an industrial park adjacent to a disadvantaged community, the former building has been demolished and the parcel is currently unused. The facility's entrance will be on Rose Place. The SEC will consist of a single-story structure of about 3,000 square feet with the following building considerations including: 1. Building exterior with a green fence that serves a security wall to mitigate graffiti. 2. Outdoor drought tolerant garden exhibit featuring bios wale, permeable pavers, irrigation strategies and other watershed landscaping and runoff remediation displays. 3. Parking lot with DCFC & Level 2 EV chargers, LED lighting and bike racks. 4. Technology hub with a solar tree inverter display, battery storage, mock EV charging. 5. Indoor exhibit hall with laser projection displays for walls and floors, virtual reality capabilities, various interactive educational stations, and stations for physical activities (for example stationary bike-peddling activity). It must be able to accommodate large groups and student field trips. 6. Community plaza area with multi-purpose outdoor event space, seating, and stations to showcase artwork from local students and community members. 7. Multi-functional classroom to accommodate large groups of students, STEM-based programs, job training, and storage for on-site educational supplies. 8. Public restrooms




Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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E Vermont Ave & S Rose Pl, Anaheim, CA

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RFQ D/B - Sustainability Education Center (SEC)

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