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Published December 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kingsland, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Kingsland, Georgia will accept qualifications and sealed price proposals from firms wishing to provide professional services for the Management, Operations, and Maintenance of the Citys potable water treatment facility, wells, and associated infrastructure to include all required testing, monitoring, and reporting. State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division (DNR/EPD) Permit #CG0390000. The City of Kingsland, Georgia requests Statements of Qualifications and Cost Proposals from firms wishing to provide professional O&M services for the Citys potable water treatment facility, wells, and associated infrastructure for a contract period of 2 years; with an option to renew annually thereafter. Facilities include: Kingsland Water Plant #1 595 S. Grove Boulevard Kingsland, GA 31548 Deep Well #1 - 860 ft. deep Deep Well #2 - 820 ft. deep 150,000-gallon glass fused steel clear well, constructed in 2022 2 down draft aerators constructed and installed in 2022 Liquid chlorine injection systems 150,000 Elevated Water Storage Tank Kingsland Water Plant #2 358 East Colerain Road Kingsland, GA 31548 Deep Well #3 - 720 feet deep Deep Well #4 - 720 feet deep 125,000-gallon concrete clear well, constructed in 1996 (refurbished 2021) Liquid chlorine injection systems 162 Gross Road Kingsland, GA 31548 500,000-gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank 261 EMS Tower Road Kingsland, GA 31548 500,000-gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank The water source for these wells is commonly called the Upper Floridan Aquifer. The property surrounding these wells is protected from activities that could potentially cause contamination of the water source. Treatment of the water is performed at the well sites including removal of contaminants and sodium hypochlorite disinfection. To ensure continuity of essential services, the successful contractor shall be prepared to fully commence work upon Notice to Proceed by the City and should not assume that the previous employees and/or contractor will be available to guide, direct or specifically orientate each new Contractor employee. By signing the letter, the Respondent certifies that he/she is authorized to bind the Respondent. The RFQ response should include: A brief statement of the Respondents understanding of the scope of the work to be performed; A confirmation that the Respondent meets the appropriate State licensing requirements to perform the necessary services; A confirmation that the Respondent has been in business for at least five years; A confirmation that the Respondent has successfully held at least one five year contract for a system of comparable size and complexity; A confirmation that the Respondent has not had a record of substandard work within the last five years; A confirmation that the Respondent has not engaged in any unethical practices within the last five years; A confirmation that, if awarded the contract, the Respondent acknowledges its complete responsibility for the entire contract; Any other information that the Respondent feels appropriate; The signature of an individual who is authorized to provide information of this nature in the name of the Respondent submitting the RFQ response. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Kingsland, GA

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