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Published January 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Albia, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 1,225-square-foot medical facility.

The CMa along with Owner, Architect & Engineer Teams will be a critical member of the project team, including services prior to the start of construction through final acceptance and project closeout. It is expected that the CMa provide input on constructability, quality of materials, schedule, and cost prior to the completion of the design documents. The successful CMa will be responsible to drive the project quality, cost, and schedule to meet Owner needs. Monroe County Hospital & Clinics (MCHC) is requesting proposals for Construction Manager as Advisor (CMa). The request for proposal is part of a competitive selection process to engage a CMa firm to provide services for the interior renovation of two isolation rooms and associated support space, generator replacement, and MRI addition. Monroe County Hospital & Clinics is a Public Not for Profit Hospital located in Albia, Iowa Monroe County Hospital & Clinics is a Critical Access Hospital in Albia, Iowa. The scope of the project will include renovation of approximately 1,100 square feet of the existing Med/Surg department to enlarge the existing two (2) isolation rooms and modify existing offices to include a nourishment room and waiting space. Replacement of windows in the inpatient rooms is anticipated. The generator replacement will relocate the existing interior generator to an exterior concrete pad as indicated by the attached preliminary site plan, new generator switchgear to be located in existing generator location and two-hour separation from normal power. The scope of work in the Imaging Department will include an MRI addition of approximately 670 square feet and interior renovation to support a control room, equipment room, DEXA room, exam room, and storage of approximately 1,225 square feet. It is intended that this project will be delivered using a CMa. The form of contract for CMa Services will be C132-2009, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as Advisor with USDA Rural Development attachment to AIA C132 (Appendix B). The hospital is anticipating the construction cost to be approximately $4.35 million. The hospital's goal is to complete design work by February 15 th, 2023 and begin construction in early summer following state/USDA review timelines. To properly evaluate each CMa firm please provide the following information using this outline as a template for your responses. If additional information is submitted, please include it separately from your official proposal. All questions regarding this RFP can be directed to Shannon Swift at INVISION Architecture. Shannon Swift, AIA, WELLAP shannons@invisionarch.com 515.657.4718




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6580 165th St, Albia, IA

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