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Published January 31, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in Greensboro, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.
This work shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials to perform concrete deck repairs, apply Silane Deck Treatment, replace joints, overlay the existing bridge decks with an Asphalt Wearing Surface or Latex Modified Concrete, as needed, and complete substructure repairs, as directed in the plans. Work includes: clearing debris and vegetation from shoulders, slopes and substructure, existing bridge deck surface preparation by scarification, hydro-demolition, and shotblasting, overlaying the prepared bridge deck with Asphalt Wearing Surface or a Latex Modified Concrete Overlay (Very Early Strength), applying Silane Deck Treatment, replacing joints, reinforced concrete girder repairs, removing reinforced concrete end diaphragms at overhangs, substructure repairs using concrete, shotcrete, and epoxy resin injection, rocker bearing repairs, cleaning and painting existing bearings, cleaning and painting existing girder ends, containment and disposal of painting tasks, preparation of the surface to be painted and applying the new paint system, erosion remediation measures at end bents, approach roadway milling and resurfacing, and all incidental items necessary to complete the project as specified and shown on the plans. Using Epoxy Resin Injection, repair all cracks 1 /16" (1.5 mm) wide or greater in the interior bent columns and caps, in the ends of the girders, in the cantilevered portion of the ends of the girders, and in the cantilevered portion of the superstructure deck. Repair the column cracks to the top of the footings. Make the underwater repairs when water surface elevation is low and the water is still. For underwater repairs, use manufacturer recommended materials. Repair any crack, void, honeycomb or spall area unsuitable for repair by injection with epoxy mortar, or as otherwise approved by the Engineer. Work for bridge jacking includes calculating existing and applied bridge loads, designing proper strength jacking scheme, evaluating stresses imposed on the bridge members, setting blocking and jacks, jacking bridge girders, mechanically locking jacks, and lowering bridge spans onto bearing assemblies. Submit calculations, working drawings, and jacking procedure to the Engineer for review and approval prior to the start of work. Calculations and jacking procedure shall account for all loads expected while bridge is jacked or temporarily supported. Working drawings and all calculations (for determination of all applied loads, for design of the jacking scheme, to evaluate stresses imposed on the bridge members, and any other necessary calculations) for the required jacking scheme shall be sealed by an engineer licensed in the State of North Carolina. Included in the submittal, the Contractor shall submit all relevant information about the jacking system to be used. Prior to bridge jacking, complete all diaphragm modifications necessary at the location where jacking is to occur. If a span connected to an end bent is to be jacked, ensure the curtain wall is either clear of the girders, or fully free to move with the jacked span prior to jacking. Lock jacks and install blocking while the bridge isin the raised condition. While in the raised condition, follow bridge plans for any work that may be required. After all repairs requiring bridge jacking are completed, lower the bridge onto the bearing assemblies. Complete repair work, as needed. Unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer, all bridge jacking operations shall be complete before new deck overlay or deck joints and seals are placed on the existing structure. The purpose of this Special Provision is to carry out the U.S. Department of Transportation's policy of ensuring nondiscrimination in the award and administration of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds. This provision is guided by 49 CFR Part 26. The North Carolina Department of Transportation will administer a custom version of the Federal On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program, commonly referred to as the Alternate OJT Program. All contractors (existing and newcomers) will be automatically placed in the Alternate Program. Standard OJT requirements typically associated with individual projects will no longer be applied at the project level. Instead, these requirements will be applicable on an annual basis for each contractor administered by the OJT Program Manager. On the Job Training shall meet the requirements of 23 CFR 230.107 (b), 23 USC - Section 140, this provision and the On-the-Job Training Program Manual. The Alternate OJT Program will allow a contractor to train employees on Federal, State and privately funded projects located in North Carolina. However, priority shall be given to training employees on NCDOT Federal-Aid funded projects. Furnish and install Sequential Flashing Warning Lights on drums used for the merging tapers of nightly lane closures on all multilane roadways with speed limits of 55 mph or greater. Furnish, install, operate, maintain, relocate, and remove connected lane closure devices for use on Interstate and Freeway lane closures. The connected lane closure devices shall transmit the location of the lane closure to navigational companies such as WAZE, Google Maps, Inrix, Here, TrafficCast, TomTom, Apple Maps, Panasonic, the Statewide Transportation Operations Center, (STOC), and any other navigational companies that requests it. A connected lane closure device shall be installed on the flashing arrow board identifying the beginning of a lane closure, and another connected lane closure device shall be installed on a crashworthy traffic control device (such as a drum) at the end of the same lane closure. Use this Special Provision as a guide to develop temporary works submittals required by the Standard Specifications or other provisions; no additional submittals are required herein. Such temporary works include, but are not limited to, falsework and formwork. Falsework is any temporary construction used to support the permanent structure until it becomes self-supporting. Formwork is the temporary structure or mold used to retain plastic or fluid concrete in its designated shape until it hardens. Access scaffolding is a temporary structure that functions as a work platform that supports construction personnel, materials, and tools, but is not intended to support the structure. Scaffolding systems that are used to temporarily support permanent structures (as opposed to functioning as work platforms) are considered to be falsework under the definitions given. Shoring is a component of falsework such as horizontal, vertical, or inclined support members. Where the term "temporary works" is used, it includes all of the temporary facilities used in bridge construction that do not become part of the permanent structure. Design and construct safe and adequate temporary works that will support all loads imposed and provide the necessary rigidity to achieve the lines and grades shown on the plans in the final structure. This work consists of preparation of concrete bridge deck surfaces and the furnishing and application of alkylalkoxysilane (silane) penetrant sealers, with 100% solids, to seal bridge deck surfaces and cracks. Prepare the surface of the concrete deck and apply the silane bridge deck sealer in accordance with this special provision and as indicated on the plans, or as approved by the Engineer. Work includes: bridge deck surface preparation, placement of silane deck sealer, and any incidentals necessary to complete the project, as specified or as indicated on the plans. Work includes removal of concrete in spalled, delaminated and/or cracked areas of the existing bent caps, bent columns, underside of bridge decks, deck slabs, girders, and bridge rails in reasonably close conformity with the lines, depth, and details shown on the plans, described herein and as established by the Engineer. This work also includes straightening, cleaning, and replacement of reinforcing steel, doweling new reinforcing steel, removing all loose materials, removing and disposing of debris, formwork, applying repair material, and protecting adjacent areas of the bridge and environment from material leakage. The repair material shall be one of the materials described in this Special Provision, unless otherwise noted in the plans or special provisions. The location and extent of repairs shown on the plans described herein are general in nature. The Engineer shall determine the extent of removal in the field based on an evaluation of the condition of the exposed surfaces. The Contractor shall coordinate removal operations with the Engineer. No more than 30% of a round or square column or 30% of the bearing area under a beam shall be removed without a temporary support system and approval from the Engineer. Repair, to the Engineer's satisfaction, any portion of the structure that is damaged from construction operations. No extra payment is provided for these repairs. These items of work shall consist of cleaning, preparation, and field application of the specified paint system to existing steel bridge bearings and for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary, to complete the work to the limits shown on the plans, described in these special provisions, or as directed by the Engineer. The bridge bearings shall be cleaned using hand tools, power tools, and high pressure water equipment. Using dry compressed air, connections and crevices will be dried completely. Rust penetrant will be applied to all open connections, crevices, pack rust and rust scale areas. A paint system with a co-polymerized high ratio of 'active' calcium sulfonate (HRCSA) shall be used as a stripe coat at all connections/crevices and as a topcoat over the bearings. The bearings shall be considered to be plates (including masonry plates, sole plates, embedded plates, and other associated plates), bolts, nuts, washers, rockers, and any other components or hardware that comprise the bearing assembly. Bridge jacking at end bents and interior bents is to facilitate beam or bent cap repairs and to replace and/ or reset bearings, as necessary. This work shall consist of furnishing all engineering, labor, equipment, and materials necessary for construction and subsequent removal of jacking support system, including jacks, jack supports, shims and all necessary blocking. Included under this item shall be all work to raise and support the existing structure as specified on the plans and as noted herein. Structure Rehabilitation. Contract Id:C204804 WBS: 45919.3.3 County: Iredell Length: 0.861 MI Job Type: I-40 From East of Sr-1007 (1st St West) to East of Nc-115. A Bid Bond or Bid Deposit in the Amount of 5% of the Total Amount Bid Will Be Required. The Bidder Shall Submit an Electronic Bid Bond With Each Electronic Bid Submittal Unless They Elect to Furnish a Bid Deposit. All Questions Related to Projects During the Advertisement Period Shall Be Emailed to the State Contract Officer at The Minimum Wage for Labor Will Be Shown in the Proposal Form for Federal Aid Projects. Contractor's License: a General Contractor's License Is Required in Order to Submit a Bid on Any Non-federal Aid Project Where the Bid Is $30,000.00 or More, Except for Certain Specialty Work as Determined by the Licensing Board. On Federal Projects, the Appropriate Contractor's License Shall Be Obtained Within 60 Days of Bid Opening. For Additional Information or to Make Application for a License, Visit the Contrator Licensing Board Prequalifying to Bid: All Prospective Bidders Shall Be Prequalified With the Department of Transportation Prior to Submitting a Bid. Contractors Who Are Not Prequalified May Obtain Information and Forms for Prequalifying From the Prequalification Section of the Contract Standards and Development The Department of Transportation Hereby Notifies All Bidders That It Will Affirmatively Ensure That in Any Contract Entered Into Pursuant to This Invitation to Bid, Minority Business Enterprises Will Be Afforded Full Opportunity to Submit Bids in Response to This Invitation and Will Not Be Discriminated Against on the Grounds of Race, Color, Sex, or National Origin in Compensation to This Award. The Right Is Reserved to Reject Any or All Bids. NCDOT - 007 -Structure Rehabilitation.
Bridges / Tunnels
Public - State/Provincial
Paving, Site Work
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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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