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Published May 12, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lexington, Kentucky. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Lextran is seeking proposals from qualified electricians to provide electrical services at Lextran facilities; the Transit Center (150 E Vine St.) and the Administrative Headquarters (200 W Loudon Ave.) in Lexington, Kentucky. The services required would be to respond to the ongoing electrical issues that occur in the operations of Lextran locations. Lextran reserves the right to award to multiple contractors. The services required would be to respond to the ongoing electrical issues that occur in the operations of Lextran locations. No baseline amount of work is guaranteed with this contract. Lextran expects the awarded contractor to provide the resources as needed and complete assignments in a timely manner. Multiple contractors or individuals may receive awards of services. Proposers must be licensed and certified and follow all electrical building codes and regulations while working in government entity facilities. The contractor, if required, will be responsible for acquiring all of the proper permits. The work will include but not be limited to high, medium, or low voltage systems: electrical wiring, conduit, panel, breakers, transformers, generators, transfer switches, electrical fixtures and overhead, pole or parking area lighting, electrical equipment, electrical trouble shooting, etc. Electrician efforts will be related to operations at Lextran's property located at 200 West Loudon Avenue in Lexington, Kentucky, as well as the Transit Center located at 150 East Vine Street. The contractor shall guarantee all workmanship and materials to be free from defects, for a period of 1 year from the date of final acceptance. Within 5 calendar days of notifications, the contractor shall correct such defects and or deficiencies at its own expense. The contractor shall post proper warning signs and/or barriers where necessary. The contractor shall be responsible for and use utmost care in protecting the occupants' property from damages. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to report to Lextran any damages prior to any work at the job site. The contractor shall be entirely responsible for any loss or damages to its own materials, supplies and equipment, and to the personal property of its employees while they are maintained on the work site. Contractor and contractor personnel shall exercise a high level of discipline, safety, and cooperation at all times. Contractor shall be responsible for his/her employees conduct. The contractor shall not use any of Lextran's office equipment or phones except as authorized. Contractor shall be responsible for assuring the safety of its employees, Lextran employees and the general public during performance of all services while performing the job. Work may be temporarily stopped by Lextran due to severe weather, lack of materials, safety violations, or other unforeseen circumstances.


Parking Garage

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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