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Site work for a water / sewer project in Papillion, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

For Magnolia SID 370, Sarpy County Sanitary Sewer System - Section I These specifications relate to the construction of a system of storm sewers and public streets by the way of project designated as Storm Sewer and Paving System - Section I and other work incidental and necessary thereto, in SARPY COUNTY SANITARY AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 370, which project is located in the vicinity of 180 TH Street and Highway 370. A general description of work to be done under the Contract and certain stipulations relative to said work are discussed in a previous section entitled "Instruction to Bidders." In general, the City of Omaha Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2020 Edition, and any revisions or additions thereto shall govern to the fullest extent possible. Reference will be made herein, where it is necessary to deviate from the City of Omaha Standard Specifications, and in the event, there may be a discrepancy or conflict between the City of Omaha Standard Specifications and these specifications, the latter shall govern. Within the City of Omaha Standard Specifications, wherever reference is made to the "City of Omaha" substitute the term "Sarpy County Sanitary and Improvement District No. 370"; wherever the term "City Clerk" is used, substitute the term "Clerk of the Board of Trustees, Sarpy County Sanitary and Improvement District No. 370"; wherever the terms "City Engineer" or "Public Works Department" are used, substitute the term "Engineer," which shall refer to E & A CONSULTING GROUP, Consulting Engineers, or a designated representative thereof


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Papillion, NE

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