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Published September 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Tacoma, Washington. Completed plans call for the construction of a 10,000-square-foot library; for site work for a library; and water / sewer project.

Bid date extended from 1/17/23 to 1/24/23 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Solicitation of bids to fully design, detail, permit, construct, deliver, and install prefabricated building units to create a 10,000 square foot interim library building based on Design Intent Documents dated December 21, 2022 Work includes all required engineering; permit documentation, submittals, revisions and procurement, including coordination with State L&I and City of Lakewood; shop drawing submittals and revisions as required for Architect review and acceptance; transportation of prefabricated components to site (10202 Gravelly Lake Dr., Lakewood WA 98499); erection/installation of prefabricated components on concrete foundations provided by others; connection of building sewer, storm, water, gas, electrical and other systems to site utilities to an operational condition; completion of inspections required by Authorities Having Jurisdiction; and completion of building onsite to an occupiable condition, including Certificate of Occupancy. Owner will be contracting the construction of site amenities, including parking, landscaping, site hardscaping, street improvements, building foundations, and utility work to stub to final building locations. It is expected that the selected prefabricated building provider will coordinate with owner's design team to provide final dimensions of prefabricated units, structural loads imposed upon concrete foundations, utility final connection sizes, requirements, and locations, and any other site preparation requirements so the site development may occur concurrent with fabrication of building units. LAST SUBMISSION OF January 9, 2023, 4.00PM to Architect QUESTIONS: Answered by January 11, 2023 Additional scoping for HVAC, Electrical, Communications, Electronic Safety and Security forthcoming Online Bid Opening Info : Optional virtual attendance via Microsoft Teams can also be used to viewreading of the bids at: https:.7tearnsjinciX^^^^^ join/ (lltlLlSL/ZteiimLjnicrosofLcpm/ 1/meet up-join719% Sameeting NDdmYTQ4ZjI tNTQlM ' SOOMjFkLW11YWYtZ DBi YmVIMjJK) DQ5%4Qthrea(i.y2/0con text=%7 b%22Tid%22%3a%22 la2f4643-3 8c9-4533-8193-a4a48 217102c%2 2%2c%22Oid%22%3 a%221b!9 5515-dfe7-495c-al0 3-562667f40d 0e%22%7d) Meeting ID: 264 557 729 136 Passcode: CPn2XP Sealed Base Bid, Additives, Alternates, Deductives, Unit Prices due 3; 00PM Public reading of sealed Base Bid and Additives, Alternates, Deductives No bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified or bank cashiers check, or by a bid bond from a state licensed surety company in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the Base Bid including sales tax and Additives, made pavable to PIERCE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM Bid, Bid Bond and other enclosures shall be enclosed in an opaque, sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the Bidder and addressed to the Owner. Mark lower left corner of the envelope PCLS Lakewood Library Bid. Questions should be directed to the project architect NO LATER THAN 4:00PM, January 9, 2023: BuildingWork, 159 Western Ave West, Suite 486, Seattle, WA 98119, attn: Michele Hill, 206-775-8670, michele@buildmgwork. design. No bidder may withdraw its bid after the hour set for the opening thereof, unless and until the award of contract, has been delayed for a period ofsixty (60) days. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. The Owner may also reject any bid for one or more of the follow ing reasons: a. Liens, judgments, or claims from previous work, b. Evidence of financial insolvency and/or poor credit history, c. Lack of previous experience in performing contracts ofsimilar scope and nature, d. Bidder has been placed on a State or Federal list of debarred or ineligible contractors. Punchlist completion (by Contractor): October 23-30, 2023 solicitation of proposals to fully design, detail, permit, construct, deliver, and install pre-fabricated building units to create an interim library building based on documented design intent.

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January 24, 2023

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10202 Gravelly Lake Dr SW, Tacoma, WA

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