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Published December 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Moosomin, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The general description of work consists of the following: .1 Mobilization to and from the project site. .2 Supply and installation of a certified truck scale. .3 Load, haul, and deposit granular material in a stockpile at a specified location on the proposed airport expansion site. The above items are a summary of work only. The drawings and specification sections more clearly define the scope of work. The Bid Documents are accessible in electronic form through Sask Tenders and may be obtained in hard copy from the office of the procurement authority noted above. Bid bond and performance bond requirements have been waived for this project. No site visit has been arranged for this project. Amendments to submitted offer will be permitted if received in writing prior to Bid closing and if endorsed by same party or parties who signed and sealed offer. Intent of this Bid call is to obtain an offer to perform Work to complete the Granular Hauling 2020 portion of work for the Moosomin Airport Expansion project for a Unit Price contract, in accordance with the Contract Documents. The project includes but is not limited to, the following scope of work: .1 Mobilization to and from the project site. .2 Supply and installation of a certified truck scale. .3 Load, haul, and deposit granular material in a stockpile at a specified location on the proposed airport expansion site. 1 Direct questions to Consultant, Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd., Ryan Johnston, telephone 204.728.7364 or by e-mail at r.johnston@bmce.ca. .2 Addenda may be issued during Bidding period. Addenda will become part of Contract Documents. Include costs in Bid Price. .3 Verbal answers are only binding when confirmed by written addenda. .4 Clarifications requested by Bidders must be in writing not less than three (3) days before date set for receipt of Bids. Reply will be in form of an addendum. Copy of addendum will be forwarded to known Bidders not later than one (1) working days before receipt of Bids. .5 The Submission Deadline may be extended by issuing an addendum at any time before the Submission Deadline or before the date and time previously specified in any addendum extending the Submission Deadline. .6 Bidders are responsible for ensuring that they have received all addendums and that they have considered the effect of such addendum in formulating their Bid. Bidders must acknowledge having received each addendum and the date on which each was received. .2 Emailed bids shall clearly identify the Bidder's name, project name, and Owner's name in the email body. .3 Faxed bids shall be sent to: 1 (306) 435-4313. .4 Faxed bids shall clearly identify the Bidder's name, project name, and Owner's name on a fax cover page..5 The Contractor will be responsible for confirming receipt of their bid. The R.M. accepts no responsibility for bids that were not received due to technical issues or delays.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Moosomin, SK

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