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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Valley City, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The furnishing of materials, labor, equipment and skill required for the construction of Milling & RAP Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay and incidental items in and for said Barnes County, as is more fully described and set forth in the plans and specifications therefore, which are now on file in the office of KLJ Engineering LLC. Bids shall be upon cash payment on the following estimated quantities and types of work: Contract Bond, 1.0 L SUM; Railway Protection Insurance, 1.0 L SUM; Common ExcavationSubcut, 888 CY; Water, 157M GAL; Shoulder Preparation, 23.048 Mile; Aggregate Base Course CL 5, 1,886 TON; Fog Seal, 8,239 GAL; Milling Pavement Surface, 152,975 SY; RAP - Superpave FAA 43, 25,600 TON; Cored Sample, 138 EA; PG 58S-28 Asphalt Cement, 1,408 TON; Mobilization, 1.0 L SUM; Mobilization Site 1, 1.0 L SUM; Flagging, 560 MHR; Traffic Control Signs, 1,769 UNIT; Pmiable Rumble Strips, 2 EA; Tubular Markers, 288 EA; Pilot Car, 280 HR; Bituminous Laboratory, 1 EA; Contractor's Laboratory, 1 EA; Geosynthetic Material Type R1, 2,664 SY; Rumble Strips - Intersection, 1 SET; Pvmt MK Painted - Message, 132.5 SF; Short Term 4IN Line- Type NR, 71,523 LF; Pvmt MK Painted 4IN Line, 23,841 LF All bids are to be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work and materials, and each bid shall be accompanied by a separate envel- ope containing the contractor's li- cense and bid security. The bid se- curity must be in a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the full amount of the bid and must be in the form of a bid- der's bond. A bidder's bond must be executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, condi- tioned that if the principal's bid be ac- cepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within ten (10) days after notice of award, will execute and effect a contract in ac- cordance with the terms of his bid and the bid bond as required by the laws of the State of North Dakota and the regulations and determinations of the governing body. If a successful bid- der does not execute a contract with- in ten (10) days allowed, the bidder's bond must be forfeited to the govern- ing body and the project awarded to the next lowest responsible bidder. All bidders must be licensed for the full amount of the bid as required by Section 43 07 07 and 43-07-12 of the North Dakota Century Code. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish Contract Performance and Payment Bonds in the full amount of the contract. Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the low bid submitted by a responsible and responsive bidder for the aggregate sum of all bid items for the option selected by Barnes County at time of bid. A single contract will be awarded for the work. All bids will be contained in a sealed envelope, as above provided; plainly marked showing that such envelope contains a bid for the above project. In addition, the bidder shall place upon the exterior of such envel- ope the following information: 1. The work covered by the bidder 2. The name of the bidder 3. Separate envelope containing bid bond and a copy of North Dakota Contractor's License or certificate of renewal. 4. Acknowledgement of the Addenda. No Bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to Bond and li- censes and any deficient Bid submit- ted will be resealed and returned to the Bidder immediately. The work on the improvement will be completed on or before September 23rd, 2023. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informality in any bid, to hold all bids for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of opening bids, and to ac- cept the bid deemed most favorable to the interest of the Owner. Should the Contractor fail to com- plete the work within the time re- quired herein or within such extra time as may have been granted by formal extensions of time approved by the Owner, there will be deducted from any amount due the Contractor the sum of $2300 per day and every day that the completion of the work is delayed. The Contractor and his surety will be liable for any excess. Such payment will be as and for li- quidated damages.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work




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January 16, 2023

February 15, 2023


Multiple Locations, Valley City, ND

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