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Published January 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Mission, Kansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) seeks consulting services to complete the Rock Creek Corridor Improvements Project Development Plan for the City of Mission, Kan. The PSP Program provides local governments with financial support to advance detailed local planning and project development activities in support of Creating Sustainable Places, Connected KC 2050's Activity Centers and Corridors framework, and the Mid-America Regional Council's adopted policy statement on regional land use direction. The subject project is one of 15 across the region chosen for funding through the Planning Sustainable Places Program. To make recommendations for improvements that address stormwater, transportation, energy conservation and waterway protection, the consultant will develop a solid understanding of the existing conditions within the study area. The Comprehensive Plan (2022 anticipated adoption), Rock Creek Master Plan and public input will identify existing conditions to be addressed. A variety of existing conditions have been previously identified including: - Trail connections to the Johnson Drive corridor - Channelized Rock Creek between Woodson and Maple - Vacant, city-owned parcels that are underutilized - Martway from Nall to Roeland Drive, adjacent to the trail - Mission's City Market area, adjacent to the Rock Creek Trail and Rock Creek on Johnson Drive from Outlook to Nall Potential improvements are to be identified through the planning process and should include the following where appropriate: - Trail improvements such as crossings, signalization, lighting enhancements and other safety enhancements - Complete Streets strategies to improve safety, accessibility, and connections to transit - Flood hazard mitigation to protect residential and/or commercial land uses - Development of public amenities not limited to EV charging, green space, waterway interaction locations, food truck locations and amenities, public art, park benches, and interactive equipment for children and persons with special needs - Renewable energy generation not limited to solar shade structures - Green Infrastructure not limited to stormwater runoff buffers and pervious parking - Placemaking strategies A robust and equitable public engagement process is required to meet the needs of Mission and the requirements of the Planning Sustainable Places program. Early in the planning process public engagement workshops will be held to gather input about improvement locations. Focus groups will include but not limited to: - Business owners - Property owners within 300' of the study area - Representatives for persons with disabilities/special needs - Representatives of vulnerable populations - Appointed/elected officials - City staff - Mission's special commissions such as the Sustainability Commission and the Parks & Rec Tree Board Questions Due: December 14, 2022, noon CST Q&A Posted December 16, 2022, EOB The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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