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Published December 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lincoln Park, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Proposals will be evaluated by the TBSA on the basis of the most advantageous, price and other factors considered. The evaluation will consider: o Experience and reputation in the field: o Knowledge of the TBSA and the subject matter to be addressed under the contract; o Availability to accommodate any required meetings of the TBSA; o Compensation proposal; o Other factors to be demonstrated to be in the best interest of the TBSA. This contract will be awarded for one year, beginning March 1, 2023 and ending February 29, 2024. Please include the following with your proposal: 1. A copy of your NJ Business Registration Certificate 2. A copy of your NJ Certificate of Employee Information Report or Form M-302 3. A completed Ownership Disclosure Statement 4. A completed Disclosure of Investments in Iran form If selected, your firm will be required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27. SCOPE OF WORK Proposals should address each of the following four (4) items separately. GENERAL CONSULTING Provide general engineering consulting services, including attendance at monthly board meetings, perform annual inspection of the TBSA system and prepare Consulting Engineer's Report, provide general engineering advice and guidance on TBSA projects. develop bid plans and specifications as requested by TBSA, and assist the Authority in various permitting tasks. LICENSED SITE REMEDIATION PROFESSIONAL (LSRP) Designate and provide an LSRP when necessary and perform LSRP services as required, in accordance with applicable NJDEP requirements. INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM (IPP) MANAGEMENT Manage and administer the TBSA (Non-DLA) IPP program in accordance with the Rules & Regulations of the TBSA and the USEPA General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CFR 403). The Scope of Work (SOW) will comply with the requirements listed under the TBSA NJPDES discharge permit for a Non-DLA. The following scope of work items will need to be addressed in order to comply with the TBSA, state and federal IPP requirements: 1. Industrial Inspections 2. Industrial Sampling 3. Industrial Survey 4. Review New Discharge/Connection Applications 5. Review of Periodic Discharge/Self-Monitoring Reports 6. Enforcement Actions 7. Review of POTW Wastewater and Sludge Data 8. Annual Report 9. IPP File Maintenance and Data Compilation 10. Slug Discharge and Emergency Response 11. Review of Local Limits 12. RCRA Notification 13. Issuance of Draft Permits, Modifications or Renewals 14. Response to Comments, Hearing and Issuance of Final Permits 15. Public Notification (Fees for publication of such notices will be billed directly to TBSA) 16. Notifications for Changes in Regulations and Local Limits 17. IPP Public Hearings and Seminars 18. Coordination with TBSA 19. Correspondence 20. Estimates of IPP or Other Related Cost (Work related to the development or calculation of TBSA Sewer Surcharge Rates is beyond the normal IPP scope of work) GIS SERVICES Work with the Authority to deploy the Authority's mapping databases on a commercially available cloud based system. Client access to the mapping must be operating system independent and be available from any desktop or mobile device. Provide field data collection application to log inspection and collect asset information. Update GIS database as necessary based upon field survey, markups or as-built information. The method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 1, 2023


Multiple Locations, Lincoln Park, NJ

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