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Published February 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Dickinson, North Dakota. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; laboratory facility; and laboratory facility.

**As of February 2, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established.** For the NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center Shop-Lab, Dickinson ND -will be received at NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center, 1041 State Avenue, Dickinson, ND 58601 until 11am Mountain / Noon Central Wednesday January 18th, 2023, after which they will be opened and read aloud in the conference room at NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center. Bids received after that time will not be accepted. Interested parties are invited to attend. It is the responsibility of the bidders to see that mailed or delivered bids are received by the deadline listed above. Bids will be received at that time for a General Contractor, Mechanical Contractor and Electrical Contractor, or combined contract. Drawings and specifications prepared by ICON Architectural Group, LLC and their consultants may be seen and examined at the Architect's office : 1. Bidders may request digital copies of the construction documents including addendums by contacting Laura Kendall at ICON Architectural Group at (701) 772-4266 2. Drawings and specifications will be mailed to any contractor as requested for an additional fee of $10.00 (total of $110.00) Each bid shall be accompanied by a separate envelope containing a Bidder's Bond in a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the full amount of the bid, including all add alternates, executed by the bidder as principal and by a Surety Company authorized to do business in this state, conditioned that if the principal's bid be accepted and the contract awarded to him, he, within ten days after notice of award, will execute and effect a contract in accordance with the terms of his bid and a Contractor's Bond as required by law and the regulations and determinations of the governing board. Cash, cashier's check, or certified checks will not be accepted. A copy of the contractor's license or certificate of renewal thereof issued by the Secretary of State shall be enclosed in the required bid bond envelope. Envelopes shall be identified as to contents and project. All bidders must be licensed for the highest amount of their bids as provided by Section 43 07 05 of the North Dakota Century Code. No bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to bond and licenses and any deficient bid submitted will be re sealed and returned to the bidder immediately. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities, to reject any and all bids and to hold all bids for a period of 30 days after the date fixed for the opening thereof. Bid Result:- 1. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION - Kolling & Kolling-$1,107,000 2. MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION- City Air Mechanical-$398,130 3. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION-Edling Electric-$157,400




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work

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January 18, 2023

April 15, 2023


1111 State Ave, Dickinson, ND

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