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Published January 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a residential development in Savannah, Georgia. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

The Housing Authority of Savannah (hereinafter, "the Agency") is a public entity that was formed in 1938 to provide federally subsidized housing and housing assistance to low-income families, within the City of Savannah and Chatham County, Georgia. The Agency is headed by an Executive Director (ED) and is governed by a five-person board of commissioners and is subject to the requirements of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations (hereinafter, "CFR") and the Agency's procurement policy. Though brought into existence by a Resolution of the City of Savannah, it is a separate entity from the City. RFQ PURPOSE Using the Office of Public Housing Investments (OPHI) Mixed-Finance Program to develop new public housing units from its Faircloth Authority, the Housing Authority of Savannah (Agency) invites proposals by developers and owners of new multifamily rental construction, or multifamily properties requiring rehabilitation within the City of Savannah who are interested in developing public housing units with pre-approval to convert them to a long-term Section 8 (project based rental assistance) Agreement . The Agency recognizes the high demand for affordable housing within City's limits, therefore believes this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will help the Agency advance its mission to create and preserve housing units that are affordable to very low income families. The Agency intends to consider proposals by developers and owners of multifamily real estate who possess the professional and administrative capabilities to provide the scope of services detailed below in Section 5. ACCEPTANCE The submission of a proposal shall constitute acknowledgement and acceptance by the proposer of the requirements, specifications and terms and conditions specified herein. ADA REQUIREMENTS Individuals with a disability, who would like to receive the information in this solicitation in another form, may contact the Agency's Procurement Office by phone at (912) 235-5800 x115 or by email to cedwards@savannahpha.com. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSER QUESTIONS. All questions regarding this Solicitation shall be submitted through the eProcurement system and shall be received by dates and times specified in the Solicitation Schedule. All questions received not in compliance with this paragraph will not be answered unless the Agency, at its sole discretion, deems that a response to a question is necessary to clarify anything in the solicitation documents. The method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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June 28, 2024


Multiple Locations, Savannah, GA

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